Malachia Ormanian

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Malachia Ormanian Mars symbol.svg
Birth date 11 February 1841
Death place Constantinople
Death year 1918
Positions Patriarch
Religion Armenian Apostolic
Languages Armenian, French
Ethnicities Armenian
Dialects Western Armenian

Born Roman Catholic Armenian, studied in Rome at the seminary of propaganda. In 1869-70 he took part in the Vatican Council as a distinguished Roman Catholic theologian. On October 28, 1879 he converted to the Armenian Apostolic Church. He became president of the Armenian Theological Seminary of Armash from 1889 to 1896. He was elected Patriarch of Constantinople on November 6, 1896, and held that office until July 10, 1908. He died in Constantinople in 1918.

Author of "The Church of Armenia", the finest and most precise history of the Armenian Church. Written in French and published in Paris in 1910, published in Armenian for the first time in 1911, and translated to English by G. M. Gregory and published in English in London in 1912.