Looks To Germany To Set Turkey Free -nyt19151222a

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Dr.Nazim Bey Says that Teuton Success Means Ottoman Independence

December 22, 1915

BERLIN, Dec.12, (via London) "Turkey has abundance of foods and other material of all kinds which she can supply to Germany if Germany needs them," said Dr.Nazim Bey, Secretary of the Young Turks' Committee and one of Turkey's most prominent men. In a statement to the Associated Press on his arrival in Berlin today. "It is only a question of transportation, which seems to be in a fair way to solution."

"There is no lack off anything in Turkey. For example, we have 30.000.000 kilograms of cotton which Germany can have the moment she solves the transportation problem, hot to speak of 10.000.000 kilograms of reserve supply in the shape of mattresses and other articles in Turkish homes. The same is true of copper. Of this we have at least 10.000.000 kilograms (88.184.000 pounds) which Germany can have at any time."

Because of the abundance of necessaries and of the progress of military affairs to this time. Dr. Nazim Bey predicts eventual victory for the central powers. He is certain Germany will find a way to effect transportation communications with Turkey in a short time.

"Such a success will mean independence for Turkey for the first time," he continued. "There is immeasurably less of peace propaganda in Turkey today than anywhere else. You must remember that for decades there has hardly been peace for ten consecutive years with us, and accordingly we are accustomed to conflicts. We reckon that the present conflict will last one to two years more, but we are really indifferent as to the duration of the war. In any event Turkey will be the last to call a halt."

"Turkey is enthusiastic for a number of reasons. First , she had never fought previously under such favorable conditions. Second, the thought of eventual independence stimulates the troops tremendously. Third, the soldiers are spurred on by hatred of their enemies. This hatred is engendered by illegal acts. The Turks regard the Allies as real barbarians, and when captured in a wounded condition frequently refuse food or drink from their captors, though when conditions are reversed the Turks give their prisoners freely of their food. "

Dr. Nazim Bey spoke calmly except when the subject of the world's impression of Turkish-Armenian relations was brought up. Of this he talked in bitter words. America in particular, he said, - had gained a false impression in two ways. First, investigators of conditions had not been neutral or unbiased. Second, these investigators went to the wrong sources for their information to Greeks, Jews, and Armenians, who are Turkish subjects and have grudges to air.

"Every time a Turk does something praiseworthy in this world he is hailed as an Armenian," he continued, "but or acts basely, he is a Turk or something else."

Expressing himself as an ardent admirer of America and most things American and admitting that Turkey needed the trade of the United States even more than of Germany. Dr.Nazim Bey nevertheless asserted that the delivery of ammunition by Americans to the Allies had served greatly to estrange his people from the United States. He thought it would be some time after the war before this feeling would die down sufficiently to make Turkey a field for American business. He said the breach had been widened by the "injustice of the American press toward Turkey."

Thanks to Germany, Dr. Nazim Bey continued, Turkey had gradually been lifting herself from a sort of financial slough of despond, so that for the last three months the Government had been able to pay for all its purchases out of money loaned. He summed up the financial position of the Turkish Empire as follows:

"One cannot say that the situation is good for our export trade has been stopped and consequently our income is reduced. But it is not serious".

Dr. Nazim Bey takes issue with those who have said the British could have broken through the Dardanelles in March if they had been willing to make a little greater sacrifice. He says that the principal forts were not damaged, and that they had plenty of ammunition to repel any attack.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922