Limericks on Shakespeare

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Limericks on Shakespeare

That hoary old codger, Polonius

Met an end that was unceremonious

When he hid out of sight

From Hamlet one night

Who ran him through quite erroneous.

There was a proud Moor named Othello

Who was lacking in humor though mellow;

He made the mistake

Of believing the fake

Iago, a treacherous fellow.

A notable Caesar named Julius

Behaved in a manner supercilious;

Til his friends in the forum

With little decorum

Dispatched him with aim punctilious.

Though Shakespeare's the name on the bill,

'Tis believed that the play's not by Will;

But by Bacon or Marlowe,

De Vere or De Carlo,

Or one with a stranger name still.

When Romeo saw Juliet

On the balcony Chez Capulet

His speech was erratic,

But she was ecstatic,

As she said, "I'm so glad that we met."