Haig Armen
Haig Armen is a web designer and musician born in Hatfield, England in 1967 and a partner and Interactive Director at Industrial Brand Creative [1] in Vancouver, BC Canada.
Haig Armen has been producing internationally recognized graphic and interactive design, developing logos, ads, promotional items and CD covers for clients that include Warner Music, BMW, Travel Cuts, Canwest Global, Future Shop, Rocky Mountaineer, @Mobile and Chanel.
Haig transitioned from a career as a jazz guitar player with a degree in Jazz composition and a degree in Architecture. Although he still dabbles in both he is now officially an Interactive Designer, who also teaches Design and Web Strategy courses at Simon Fraser & Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver. Occasionally Haig still gets the chance to compose music for film.
Armen is considered a prolific designer with nearly 50 CD covers, 50 book covers and over 100 websites to his credit. In 2002 Armen re-designed Yellowknife outdoor magazine Up Here followed by his work with CBC during the design of their internationally acclaimed 120Seconds.com, JustConcerts.com, NewMusicCanada.com, cbcradio3.com and Home Delivery websites.