Ergun Kirlikovali
Ergun Kirlikovali ![]() | |
Resides in | Irvine |
Ethnicities | Turkish |
Supporters Of Ergun Kirlikovali, Idiot Armenian Genocide-Denier, Threaten To Protest Outside Weekly Offices!
By Gustavo Arellano
OC Weekly Feb 1 2012 CA
You can write all sorts of damning things against individuals, yet it's the most innocuous words that hurt. I'll never forget last year, when I got a call from none other than Mark Weber, the head of the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review, all upset that I called him a "cockroach" in a post. I talked him down by pointing out that, like those insects, his kind had to hide from the public, a point he didn't dispute but then blamed on the Jews--kidding.
(About the Jews part, at least. I think)
Something must be in the water that denialists drink, because now the genocide deniers all bent out of shape are supporters of Ergun Kirlikovali, current president of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations and the idiot who insists the Armenian genocide never happened.
Any sane person would agree anyone who willfully denies the Armenian genocide is an idiot--but it's that simple insight that has me in hot water with Kirlikovali's fans.
Last Thursday, our receptionist told me that someone called threatening to occupy the Weekly's offices unless I met with them--something about me insulting their leader. It finally dawned on me that they were referring to this post, where I noted Kirlikovali was an idiot, mostly for having the ATAA whine that genocides should only be deemed as such by historians...then claiming France committed genocide against Algerians.
Yesterday, Taylor found the angry message--roll the tape!
Yes, angry man: Kirlikovali is an idiot. If you think the Armenian genocide didn't happen, then you're an idiot, too. So is anyone who denies it. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
Feel free to protest outside our offices--just make sure to bring the raki and iskender kabob, as you might as well make yourself useful for something.
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Irvine Mayor Under Fire From Armenian Community Over Association With Genocide Denier
by Noah Biesiada
March 25, 2022
Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan apologized to the Armenian community Thursday night after a video surfaced earlier in the week of her speaking with a prominent Armenian genocide denier.
But the apology came just over 24 hours after Khan dismissed the complaints against her as a political attack – and over a month after one public commenter began pointing out their connection during his three minutes to speak to the dais at council meetings.
Khan, who’s up for reelection this year, did not respond to requests for comment Friday morning.
The Armenian genocide took place during World War I in the Ottoman Empire, with the Turkish government killing between 664,000 and 1.2 million Armenian people in “massacres and individual killings, or from systematic ill treatment, exposure, and starvation,” according to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website.
Ergun Kirlikovali, a former President of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, has repeatedly denied that the Armenian genocide took place, including multiple times on his Twitter page over the last week, which he called it a “long discredited political claim.”
His public stance against the genocide’s existence stretches back to at least 1987, when he spoke to the California State Senate Education Committee claiming that Turkish and Armenian people lived together in “peaceful coexistence for 600 years,” until near the end of the 20th century.
“You would be laughing at some of these stories,” Kirkliovali said about claims of the genocide. “The people are gullible, they take it.”
Khan and Kirlikovali have been photographed together at a series of events over her time in office, including one Twitter post where she thanked him for hosting a holiday party and for “always mak(ing) me feel like I’m with family.”
While Voice of OC was not able to locate the tweet in question where Khan posted about Kirlikovali feeling like family, when she was shown photos of the tweets at an Irvine City Council meeting last month she did not deny their authenticity.
But tensions boiled over in the Armenian community after a video surfaced from November 2020, showing Khan meeting with Kirlikovali and LA Turkish Consul General Can Oguz.
In the clip, one of the attendees offered Khan a box of Turkish delights, at which point Kirlikovali joked that if any Armenian people were to see the candy that she could eat them and they would vanish, which Khan followed up by saying she’d be sure to eat the candy in front of Armenian people.
But others thought Kirlikovali’s comments were aimed at Armenian people and not the candy.
To view the full clip which was posted by Beyaz Gazete, a Turkish news outlet, click here.
The Armenian National Committee of America’s Orange County branch reposted the video last Tuesday, adding subtitles, calling it “unacceptable and (the video’s) contents hurtful.”
On Wednesday evening, Khan released a statement on her personal Twitter page calling the video “proof that my political opponents will do whatever it takes.”
“This video purposefully mistranslates a conversation about candy through fake captioning to create this despicable attempt at distorting my views,” Khan wrote. “My record of calling out racism, acts of hate, and making it easier for victims of hate to report crimes stands on its own.”
To view the statement and her recorded response, click here.
Kirlikovali didn’t back down after Khan’s first video, posting multiple invitations on the Committee’s Twitter page inviting for people to debate him over the genocide’s existence in the comments.
“Lies, slanders, deceiving, falsifying, threats, harassment, bullying, terrorism, screaming, begging. Have I covered all Armenian traits?” Kirlikovali posted. “Oh yeah, and backstabbing and assassinating. Have I said fraud?”
While Kirlikovali’s Tweet is no longer posted in that thread, there is a note from Twitter where it was in the thread that a tweet was removed for violating the site’s content rules.
After that, the Committee sent out a statement calling on their supporters to “take action against this hate speech and hold Mayor Khan accountable.”
Following that post, Khan sent out a second video message, this time from her mayoral account, saying she had “learned a lot and wanted to offer this apology.”
“I apologize to the Armenian community for things that were said, that were felt. My intentions were never to hurt the community,” Khan said in the video. “My door is open to learn more and build on the trust we need to move forward.”
Khan said she knows the genocide happened, and committed to “cut all ties with those who deny the Armenian genocide.”
However, Khan’s statement didn’t address her relationship with Kirlikovali.
Eric Neshanian, a frequent critic of Khan’s, has spoken out at multiple city council meetings and in emails to the city criticizing Khan’s ties to Kirlikovali, including photos of Twitter posts that showed Khan at multiple events with Kirlikovali, including a meeting of her Mayor’s Advisory Council.
While Voice of OC could not find those posts since Khan’s page only holds Twitter posts back to April 2021, she hasn’t publicly disputed those photos displayed by Neshanian during city council meetings.
Following Neshanian’s February 22 public comments that included photos from Khan’s Twitter page, Khan offered a short statement from the dais.
“Mr. Neshanian is an Islamaphobe who feels ok to attack me and no other elected officials. Other elected officials at the same events, meeting the same people are never targeted. That’s sad, and that’s embarrassing,” Khan said.
Many of the comments under her recent apology video still called for her to resign, pointing to her earlier statement of it being a political attack as evidence she only backtracked after pressure.
&Noah Biesiada is a Voice of OC Reporting Fellow. Contact him at or on Twitter @NBiesiada&
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