Denies Blame In Armenia -nyt19151117b

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Lord Robert Cecil Says British Agents Did Not Stir Up Revolt

NOVEMBER 17, 1915

LONDON, Nov. 16.--In the course of a discussion in the House of Commons tonight of the Armenian massacres. Lord Robert Cecil, Under Secretary of State or Foreign Affairs, refused the suggestion made, he said, in the United States that British agents had intrigued and stirred up the Armenians to revolt, and that Great Britain, therefore, was responsible for the massacres.

"There was no provocation whatever," said Lord Robert. "The massacres were premeditated with the intention on the part of their instigators, the Committee of Union and Progress, not to punish the insurrectionists, but to exterminate the Armenian race."

Lord Robert declined an invitation to give to pledge of the Government to employ all the resources of the army and navy in order to save the Armenians.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922