City City Women's Clubs For Trading Stamps -nyt19151030b
Indore Miss Helen Boswell's Resolution After an Exciting Discussion
Delegates refuse to take Action on Turkish Atrocities --- Convention Divided on Suffrage
OCTOBER 30, 1915
Federation Remains Neutral.
The second flurry came when Miss Amy Fay, as representing the Women's Philharmonic Society, put before the Federation a resolution protesting against the atrocities of the Turks upon the Armenians and pledging the organization to do all in its power to bring about intervention by the Government of the United States.
There were cries of "We're neutral !" when the resolution was read, and several women got up and shouted that the whole proceeding was out of order. The opposition developed strength and in the end a motion to table the resolution was carried.
There were some 1,800 women present when Mrs. Eugene J. Grant called, the convention to order. By the time the convention got down to work the room was filled and in the confusion at the door many struggled to get in. The convention put into practice the new were 381 delegates and 186 alternates, representing 245 clubs. Seventeen new clubs were admitted to the Federation, the largest being the National Opera Club of America, of which Mme. President, and which has 800 members.
The Scholarship Committee reported and $500 was raised for the Scholarship Fund. Of this amount $219 came from a teacher in the public schools and was a gift of the amount paid by the fund for this teacher's expenses during the two years she was a student in the Normal School.
Mrs. William Grant Brown, of the Biennial Board, announced that the National Federation of Women's Clubs would meet in the seventh Regiment Armory in May next.
An appeal for the City Federation Hotel, a home for working girls at 462 West Twenty-second Street, was made by Mrs. Emile Glogau.
The convention went on record as favoring the Consumer's League appeal for early Christmas shopping. It also called upon its members to stop the practice of ordering goods sent home C. O. D. and then not accepting them.
The convention adopted a resolution asking Congress to establish a national leprosarium.
At the request of the Brooklyn Women's Single Tax Club, there was adopted after much discussion a resolution disapproving Article X., of the proposed Constitution.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922