Church Plea For Armenia -nyt19151114

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Anglican and Eastern Union Petitions President Wilson

NOVEMBER 14, 1915

The Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Churches Union, and organizations and of Russian, Greek, and Syrian members of the Orthodox Eastern Church resident in the United States, has addressed a petition to the President in behalf of the Armenians.

The petition urges that he makes earnest representations to the German Government as the ally of Turkey with respect to the destruction key with respect to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of Armenian Christians.

"We would earnestly suggest, " runs the petition, "that by a strong presentation of the deep concern of the American people and of the prejudice that is produced in this country against Germany's cause by the absence of any known effort on her part to prevent the deliberate extermination of a Christian people by her Turkish ally, the Imperial Government, to sure on the Ottoman Government, to give orders to bring to an end this persecution and massacring."

The petition also asks that the American mission schools be protested, and that American transports be sent to take away as many of the Armenians as possible to Christian countries.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922