Christopher Jon Bjerkness

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Christopher Jon Bjerkness is a historian.

Bjerkness has written several books and articles on the history of the theory of relativity.

Discovering the true significance of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, he began to investigate the unwritten history of the Armenian Genocide.

He has published his findings in a book which identifies the ethnic origins and overall agenda of the “Young Turks”, including their motives for committing Genocide against Armenians.

A Jew by descent, Bjerkness alleged Jews for the 1915 Armenian Genocide in his book entitled “The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians”.

In August 2007 Bjerkness delivered a lecture on Armenian Genocide on the topic of “Who were the Young Turks” in the Armenian community of Glendale, California.


  • Historian Christopher Jon Bjerkness to deliver lecture on Armenian Genocide, PanARMENIAN.Net