Asks Bernstorff's Aid To Prevent Massacres -nyt19151001
October 1, 1915
State Department Makes Informal Request to Ambassador in Behalf of Armenians.
Washington Sep 29 -- The State Department has placed an informal request before Count Von Bernstorff the German Ambassador, asking that he use his influence with the German Government to interfere in behalf of the Armenians in Turkey.
The request, it became known today, was made some time ago, and as yet has not been directly answered by the Ambassador except with the text of a German consular dispatch which stated that conditions among the Armenians had been exaggerated. Officials here stated that no formal representations on the subject had been directed to the Berlin Foreign Office and no such steps were now contemplated by the Government.
State Department advises have shown that, while so far there has been no violation of American rights which would make a basis for formal protests evidence from unofficial sources indicate that American lives and property have been threatened.
Ambassador Morgenthau at Constantinople today sent a telegram to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions urging that contributions toward the fund for Armenian relief work be increased.
Thanks to [ASA] for digitizing this article.