Armenians' Own Fault, Bernstorff Now Says -nyt19150929a

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They Brought Reprisals on Themselves by Trying to Stir up Rebellion Against Turkey

SEPTEMBER 29, 1915

Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Count von Bernstorff's letter to Miran Sevasly of Boston, in which he said that, "according to recent official and authentic reports received by his embassy to the Government of the United States the alleged atrocities committed in the Ottoman Empire appear to be a pure invention," is puzzling the department of State.

The German Ambassador today sent a communication to the department saying reports of Turkish atrocities against Armenians were "greatly exaggerated," and defending in part the action of the Turks, as having been provoked.

While the Ambassador's letter does not deny that extreme penalties have been imposed on Armenians by the Turks it is stated that attempts to stir up rebellion and revolt and treasonable activity have made the "Armenian policy" a necessary war-time measure.

The State Department today received from the American Council in Trebizond a report showing that the Armenian population" of that large Armenian province had been expelled Armenian has been taken over by against of the Turkish Government, who are filing claims against the expelled owners. The Consul reported that many Armenian commission merchants who had resided in the province had accounts with Europeans. Few Americans are affected, he thought, but if any American has a claim against an Armenian in the Province of Trebizond he must get it paid by sending to the Consul an affidavit indorsed by a Turkish Consul.

Since Turkey has let it be known that no foreign interference with her Armenian policy will be permitted the United States will probably avoid the matter as a subject for any formal protest unless Americans become involved.

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922