Armenian Protests Charged To Allies -nyt19151013b
Germans Say Entente's Falsehoods Caused Representations by the United States
Writers in Vossische Zeitung Ridicules Report of 800,000 Christians Massacred by Moslems
OCTOBER 13, 1915
From the Staff Correspondent. Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES. BERLIN, Oct. 12.--The development of the Armenian question between Turkey and America is being followed here with increasing interest, not only in official circles, but in public discussions as well.
It is believed in some quarters that the American protest to Turkey is really aimed has begun a drive at Serbia. There is a tendency to regard the Armenian protests as hypocrisy, while many Germans are convinced they are the result of a plot by the Allies to involve America in the world conflict. German opinion in general is voiced by George Bernhard in the Vossische Zeitung who writes:
"In America the feelings of all the philanthropists are suddenly gushing over the Armenians. The Turkish Government after certain events since the outbreak of the war in the Caucasus border zone, has resorted to sharp measures against the Armenians. Of the Armenians something over half live in Turkey, and the rest in Russia. An old enmity exists between the Turks and the Armenians. It is only human that the latter long for a Russian victory.
"Wherever this was the case the leaders of Turkish policy decided to process of eviction and then prevent the same state of affairs as took place with the Austrians in the Ruthenian districts of Cilicia on a large scale.
"I have quite out of the question whether atrocities occurred in the proves. One can safely assume that Turkey's responsible statesmen did not purpose any atrocities.
"It is quite possible that in carrying out the eviction orders some things have occurred which in civilized lands must be regarded with the deepest regret. It is certain that the rumors current in America of 800,000 or more Armenians having been massacred are lies, but it is equally certain that these lies were made in England consciously for the purpose of creasing new friction between the United States and Turkey and thereby between the United States and Germany.
"Why become indignant over these questions? The quadruple Entente need not believed that it can cause Germany any unpleasantness by this last means which bears the stamp of desperation. We went a long way to meet the Americans in the Arabic affairs. Just how far has not been authentically determined, as the Ambassador's official report has not been received as yet.
"Should, contrary to expectation, the contents of Ambassador von Bernstorff's letter to Secretary Lansing prove to be as Reuter cable, we have gone considerably beyond the limit which many Germans believe endurable in our compromise.
"I desire to withhold final judgment, but in any event it must be plainly stated today that the Arabic and Lusitanian cases were matters that concerned the American people and the American President.
"The Armenian question is a purely theoretical discussion about humanity. WE have battles to fight at present in order to insure our very existence. The political instinct of America's statesmen must tell them as much especially as the all-around political situation today is very different from that of two months ago. The Quadruple Entente will, therefore, have just as little success with the stink bombs of hypocrisy and slander which it now throws as it has had until now in its fight with honorable armies on the battlefields of Western Europe."
LONDON, Oct. 12.--All the information in possession of the British Government on the subject of massacres and deportations of Armenians in Turkey was made public in the Marquis of Crewe's recent speech in the house of Lords, Sir Edward Grey told the House of Commons this afternoon.
"There can be but one feeling--of horror and indignation--about it," the Foreign Secretary added.
A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922