Armenian Church Morning Service
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CHOIR: (& Congregation) PARK EE PARTZOONS | CHOIR: (& Congregation) GLORIA IN EXCELSIS |
I) Park ee partzoons Asdoodzo, yev hergir khaghaghutiun ee martig hajootyun. Yev orhnootyun kez ee partzoons; orhnyal yes Der Asdvadz mer; Orhnemk uzkez yev kovemk uzkez. Khosdovanimk Der uzkez yev yergir bakanemk kez; parravoremk uzkez; kohanamk Der uzken vasun medzi parratz kotz. Der takavor soorpt yergnayin; Asdvadz yev Hayr amenagal. | I) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men, and praise be to thee in the highest. Blessed art thou, O Lord our God. We bless thee and we praise thee. We acknowlefge thee Lord, & we worship thee. We glorify thee. We give thanks to Thee, O Lord, for thy great glory. O Lord king, the Holy One of heaven, God and Father Almighty. |
Der yev Vorti Hormiadsin Hisoos Krisdos yev soorp Vorti; Der Asduvads Karrn Asdoodzo yev Vorti Hor; vor arrer uzmers ee goosen. Voghormetzar, partzer uzmeghs ashkharhi; yev art ungal zaghachanus mer. Soorput vor nusdis unt achmeh Hor; voghormyatz mez. Zi too miayn Der mer Hisoos Krisdos. | Lord and only begotten Son of the Father, Jesus Christ and holy Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God & Son of the Father, who didn't take our nature from the Virgin. Thou didst show mercy and didst take away the sins of the world. And now receive our prayers, O thou Holy One, who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy, thou only art exalted, thou only art our Lord, Jesus Christ. |
Der yev Hokit soorp ver ee parrs Asduvadz; unt Hor. Amen. | And thou art Lord, O Holy Spirit, who art in glory God with the Father. Amen. |
II) Yev hamenayn jam orhnemk uzkez, Der, yev kovemuk zanoon soorp ko havidyan yev kovemuk zanoon soorp ko havidyan yev havidyans havidenitz. Arjani ara Der zorus zays khaghaghootyamp, yev arrantz meghatz bahya uzmez. Orhnyal yes Der Asdvads hartzun merotz; kovyal yev parravoryal eh anoon soorp ko havidyans. Amen. | II) And at all times we bless thee, O Lord, and we praise thy holy name forever, and unto the ages of ages. Make us worthy, O Lord, & keep us this day in peace and without sin, Blessed art thou, O Lord, O God of our Fathers. Praised & glorified is thy holy name forever. Amen. |
Orhnyal Der ooso intz zartarootyunus ko. (3 times) Der abaven yegher mer azkeh hask. Yes aghachem Der voghormia intz yev pujhushgia zantzn im, yes megha kez. | Blessed art though, O Lord, teach me thy statutes. (3 times) O Lord, thou hast been our refuge from generation to generation. I beseech thee, O Lord, have mercy on me and heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee. |
Der voghormootyunut ko: yev uzpurgutyun uzko door mez. Der voghormootyun ko havidyan. uzkordzus tseratz kotz mi andes arner. Der im uzkez abaven intz arari; ooso intz arnel umgamks ko, zi too yes Asdvadz im. Ee ken eh Der aghpyur gentanootyan; yev loosov yeresats kotz desanemk uzlooys. Dzakia zoghormootyunus ko vork janachen uzkez Der. | Show unto us, O Lord, thy mercies and grant us thy salvation. O Lord, thy mercy is forever, forsake not the work of thine hands, O my Lord, I have made thee my refuge, teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. From thee, O Lord, is the fountain of life and by the light of thy countenance do we see light. Send forth thy mercies upon them that know thee, O Lord. |
PRIEST: Park, Badiv yev yergurbakootyun ee partzoons Hor yev vortvo yev Hokvuyn Surpoh. Ayjhem yev mishd yev Havidyans Havidenitz. Amen. | PRIEST: Glory, honor, and adoration in the highest to the Father & to the Son, & to the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen. |
CHOIR: (& Congregation) "SOORP ASDVADZ" (3 times) | CHOIR: (& Congregation) "HOLY GOD" (3 times) |
Soorp Asdvadz, soorp yev huzor, soorp yev anmah, (for regular Sundays and Easter) |
HOLY GOD, holy and mighty holy and immortal, (Variables for regular Sundays and Easter) |
(for Christmas) Vor haydnetzar vasun mer,... |
(for Christmas) Who was revealed for us. |
(Palm Sunday & Second Palm Sunday) Vor yegir yev kalotz yes... |
(Palm Sunday & Second Palm Sunday) Who didst come and art to come. |
(for Ascension of Christ) Vor hampartzar parok ar Hayr,... |
(for Ascension of Christ) Who did ascend to the Father with glory. |
(for Pentecost) Vor yegir yev hankyar harakyalsn. |
(for Pentecost) Who did come and rest on the Apostles |
(for Transfiguration) Vor haydnetzar ee tapor lerinn.. |
(for Transfiguration) Who was revealed on Mount Tapor. |
(Assumption of Holy Mother-of-God) Vor yegir ee pokhumn mor ko yev gusi,... |
(Assumption of Holy Mother-of-God) Who did come at the assumption of thy Virgin Mother. |
CHOIR: Parravoryal yev orhnyal mishd soorp gooys Asdvadzadzin Mariam Mayr Krisdosi mado zaghachanus mer vortvo ko yev Asdoodzo mero. | CHOIR: Glorified and blessed ever holy Virgin, Bearer-of-God Mary, Mother of Christ, offer our supplications to thy Son and out God |
CHOIR: (& Congregation) "NORASDEGHDZYAL" Norasdeghdzyal pann haneyitz ee sguspaneh zergins hergins, yev zergnayin zors anmarmnotz imanalyatzun zuvartnotz, yev uzkali daaretz kahritz hagaragatz miapanitz, vorov haved parapani, yerortootyun anjareli. | CHOIR: (& Congregation) "IN THE BEGINNING" the Word newly created, the heaven of heavens out of nothing, and the celestial hosts of incorporeal intelligible watcher angels and the sensible elements contrary one to the other and yet agreeing, by which the ineffable Trinity is ever glorified. |
Yereksurpyan mi derootyun, miyov pnootyamp asdvadzootyun, looys vor anegh ararchagan asatz linel looys yeghagan, zor yev dzakyatz horrn arhachin miashapat gyooragehyin, voro haved parrapani Yerrortootyun anjareli. | The thrice-holy one dominion and God-head in one nature, the light uncreate that creates, commanded that there be created light, which he made to shine on the first Lord's day that was Sunday, by which the ineffable Trinity is ever glorified. |
Sehrut sirov khonarhetzar ee purgootyun mer marmnatzar, novin marmnovun khatchetzar, ee kerezman mahoo yeghar Aysor haryar asdvadzapar ee hreshdahgatz kahrozetzar, yegayk purgyalk unt auvartnooyn dook orhnootyun hahrootzelooyn. | O thou love, in love didst thou humble thyself and was incarnate for our salvation, in the same body that was crucufied, and laid in the tomb of death, this day as God did thou rise and by angels was thou proclaimed; come ye that are saved, sing with the angel praises to Him that is risen. |
Siohni vortik zartik harsin loosoh dook ahvehdik yeteh pesayn ko harootsyal haghtyalz mahoo ishkhanootyamp ka busageh uzkezpparok yel unt ahrach bujh-nyal zartook yerkya yerk nor harootzelooyn nunchetzelotz gehnatz budghooyn. | O Sons of Zion, arise, awake, give the good news to the bride of light; thy groom is risen & has conquered death by his power, he will come to crown thee with glory, go forth before him bedecked with adornments; sing a new song to him that is risen, to the fruit of life for them that are asleep. |