Armenian Church Divine Liturgy

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CHOIR: (& Congregation)"KHORHOORT KHORIN". CHOIR: (& Congregation)"HYMN OF VESTING".
Khorhoort khorin, anhas, anusgisbn, vor zartaretzer zverin bedootyoont, ee harakasd anmadooytz loosoyn, kerabantz parok zdasus hreghinatz. O MYSTERY DEEP, inscrutable, without beginning. Thou hast decked thy supernatural realm as a chamber unto the light unapproachable and hast adorned with splendid glory the ranks of thy fiery spirits.
(On special occasions, when a Bishop is the celebrant, after vesting, singing of the "Hymn of Vesting" is intermitted and verses of Hrashapar Asdvadz ("Glorious God") are sung, during which time the celebrant, together with his deacons, will proceed to the main Altar, where he will wash his hands, at the same time, reciting aloud Psalm 26, "I will wash my hands" in antiphon with the protodeacon.) (While the choir is singing the Khorhoort Khorjin, the Priest being vested, together with his deacons, steps in front of the sanctuary and washing his hands, recites silently in antiphon with the deacon, Psalm 26.)

(If a Bishop is the celebrant, see opposite page)

CHOIR: (& Congregation)"KHORHOORT KHORIN".

TAKAVOR YERGNAVOR, zegeghetzi ko ansharjh bahia, yev zergurbakoos anvanud koom bahia ee khaghaghootyan.

CHOIR: (& Congregation) HEAVENLY KING,

preserve thy Church unshaken and keep the worshippers of thy name in peace.

PRIEST: Yev vasun surpoovoh Asdvadzadznin parekhosootyann, Der, ungal zaghachanus mer yev getzo uzmez. PRIEST: By the intercession of the Holy Mother-of-God, O Lord, receive our supplications and save us.
DEACON: Soorp Asdvadzadzin yev zamenayn soorpus parekhos arastzook ar Hayr ee hergins, zi gametzyal voghormestsi yev kutatzyal getzoostzeh zahraratzus yoor. Amenagal Der Asdvadz mer, getzo yev voghormia. DEACON: Let us make the Holy Mother-of-God and all the saints intercessors with the Father in Heaven, that He may be pleased to have mercy and compassion and save His creatures. Almighty Lord, our God, save us and have mercy.
PRIEST: Ungal, Der, zaghachanus mer parekhosootyamp Surpoovoh Asdvadzadznin anarad dzunoghi miyadzni Vortvo ko yev aghachnok amenayn surpotz kotz. Loor mez Der yev voghormia, nerya, kavya, yev togh uzmeghus mer. Arjhanavorya kohootyamp paravorel uzkez unt Vortvo yev unt Surpo Hokvuyd. Ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen.

(turning to the congregation)
Khosdovanim arachi Asdoodzoh yev surpoovoh Asdvadzadznin yev arachi hark yev yeghpark, zamenayn meghus zors kordzyal yem. Kanzi megha khorhurtov, paniv yev kordzov yev amenayn meghok zor kordzen martik. Megha, megha, aghachem uztzes. Khuntretzek vasun im hasdoodzoh uztoghootyun.

PRIEST: Receive, O Lord, our supplications by the intercession of the Holy Mother-of-God, the immaculate birthgiver of Thine only begotten Son and by the supplication of all The Saints. Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy; forgive, expiate and remit us our sins; make us worthy to thank and glorify Thee with the son and with the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(turning to the congregation)
I confess before God and before the Holy Mother-of-God and before you, fathers and brethren, all the saints and before you, fathers and brethren, all the sins that I have committed; for I have sinned in thought, word, and deed and with all the sins that men commit. I have sinned, yea, I have sinned: I pray you, beg of God forgiveness for me.

DEACON: Voghormestzi kez Asdvadz huzorn yev toghootyun shnorhestzeh amenayn hantzanantz kotz, antzelooyn yev ayjhmoos, yev harachagayen purgestzeh yev hasdadestzeh hamenayn kordzus baris, yev hankoostzeh uzkez ee hantertzyal gyansun. Amen. DEACON: May God almighty have mercy upon thee and grant thee forgiveness of all thy transgressions of the past and present, and may He deliver thee from those of the time to come and may He confirm thee in all good works and give thee rest in the life to come. Amen.
PRIEST: Azadeztseh yev uztzez martasern Asvads, yes toghtzeh zamenayn hantsans tzer. Datzeh jhamanag abashkhareloh yev kortzeloh zbaris. Ooghestzeh yev zarachaga gyanus tzer shnorhok Soorp Hokvuyn, huzorn yev voghormatzun, yev numa park havidyanus. Amen. PRIEST: May God, that loveth men, set you also free and may He remit all your transgressions; may He give you time to repent and to do good works; may He direct also your life in the time to come by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the mighty and the merciful, unto Him be glory forever. Amen.
CHOIR: Hishestsir yev zmez arachi anmah karin Asdoodzo. CHOIR: Remember us also before the immortal lamb of God.
PRIEST: Hishyal lichik arachi anmah karin Asdoodzo. PRIEST: Ye shall be remembered before the immortal lamb of God.
ACOLYTE: I - Aghaghagetzek ar Der amenayn yergir, dzarayetzek Dyarn oorakhootyamp. ACOLYTE: I - Cry unto the Lord all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness.
ACOLYTE: II - Mudek arachi nora tzundzootyamp, dzanerook zi na eh Der Asdvadz mer. ACOLYTE: II - Come before His presence with joy, know ye that He is the Lord our God.
ACOLYTE: I - Na arar uzmez, yev voch mek eyal, mek jhoghovoort yev Khashn arodi nora. ACOLYTE: I - It is He that hath made us and we were not by ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
ACOLYTE: II - Mudek unt troons nora khosdovanootyamp, yev orhnootyamp ee hargus nora. ACOLYTE: II - Enter into His gates with thanksgiving; and into His courts with praise.
ACOLYTE: I - Khosdovan yegherook dyarn, yev orhnetzek zanoon nora. ACOLYTE: I - Give thanks unto the Lord; and bless his name.
ACOLYTE: II - Kaghtzer eh Der, Havidyan ee voghormutyun nora; hazke minchev hazk eh jushmardootyun nera. ACOLYTE: II - The Lord is gracious, His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth from generation to generation.
ACOLYTE: I - Park Hor yev vortvo yev hokvuyn surpo. ACOLYTE: I - Glory be to the Father amd to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
ACOLYTE: II - Ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. ACOLYTE: II - Now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
DEACON: Soorp yegeghetzyavs aghachestzook uzer, zi sovav purgestzeh zmez ee meghatz yev getzoostzeh shnorhiv voghormutyan yooro. Amenagal Der Asdvadz mer, getzo yev voghormia. DEACON: By the Holy Church let us beseech the Lord that through her may He deliver us from sin and may save us by the grace of His mercy. Almighty Lord, our God, save and have mercy.
PRIEST: Ee mech dajaris yev arachi Asdvadzungal yev baydzaratzyal soorp nushanatzs yev soorp deghvooys, khonarhyal yergyughiv yergirbakanemk; Uzsoorp yev uzhrashali yev uzhaghrogh zderutyoond ko paravoremk, yev kez madootzanemk zorhnutyun yev zpars, unt Hor yev unt Hokvoyd Surpo, ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen.

(and going up to the Altar, the Priest shall say antiphon, Psalm 43)

Muditz arachi seghano Asdoodzo arr Asdvadz vor oorakh arneh zmangutyoon im.

PRIEST: In the midst of this temple and before these holy symbols accepted by god and glorified, and before this holy place, we humble ourselves and bow down in fear. We glorify thine holy, wondrous the and triumphant dominion and unto the thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit we offer blessing and glory, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

(and going up to the Altar, the Priest shall say antiphon, Psalm 43)

I will go unto the altar of God, unto God, who maketh by youth joyful.

DEACON: Tad ara intz, Asdvadz yev irav ara intz ee tadasdani imoom. DEACON: Do judgment for me, oh God; and do justice to me in my cause.
PRIEST: Hazkeh vor voch eh soorp ee marto meghavoreh nenkavoreh, purgya zis. PRIEST: From the unholy generation; from the sinful and deceitful man deliver me.
DEACON: Too, Asdvadz huzorich im yes Unter moratzar zis, unter durdoom kunam yes ee neghel tushnamvo imoh. DEACON: Thou art, O God, the giver of my strength, why hast thou forgotten me? Why go I so heavily while my enemy oppresseth me?
PRIEST: Arakya, Der, zlooys ko yev uzjushmardutyoon ko, zi arachnortestzen indz yev hantzen zis ee lyarn soorp yev ee hargs ko. PRIEST: Send out, O Lord, thy light and thy truth that they may lead me; and bring me unto Thine holy hill and unto Thy dwelling.
DEACON: Muditz arachi seghano Asdoodzo arr Asdvadz vor oorakh arneh uzmangootyoon im. DEACON: I will go unto the altar of God; unto the God who makes my youth joyful.
PRIEST: Khosdovan yeghetz kez orhnootyamp Asdvads, Advadz im. PRIEST: I will give thanks unto Thee with praises, O God my God.
DEACON: Art, unter durdoom yes antzn im, gam unter khroves zis, hoosah ar Asdvadz, khosdovanya numa, purgich yeresatz imotz Asdvadz eh. DEACON: Then why art thou so heavy, o my soul, and why dost thou youth disquiet me? Put thy trust in God, give thanks unto Him, the deliverer of my countenance is God.
PRIEST: Park Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpoh. PRIEST: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
DEACON: Ayjhm yev misht yev havidyans havidenitz, Amen. Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestzook. Orhnestsook uzHayr Dyarn meroh Hisoosi Krisdosi, vor arjhani arar zmez gal ee deghvodsus parapanootyan yev yerkel zerkus hokevorus. Amenagal Der Advadz mer, Getzo yev voghormia. DEACON: Now and forever unto the ages of ages, Amen. Again in peace let us beseech the Lord. let us bless the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath made us worthy to spend in this place of praise and to saying spiritual songs. Almighty Lord our God, save and have mercy.
PRIEST: Ee hargi surpootyan yev ee deghvotsus parapanootyan, hreshdagatz pnagaranis yev martgan kavaranis, arachi Asdvadzungal yev baydsaratzyal soorp nushanatzus yev soorp deghvooys, khonarhyal yergiughiv yergrbakanemk, uzsoorp yev uzhrashali yev uzhaghtogh uzDerootyoonut ko orhnemk yev paravoremk, yev kez unt yergnayin zorsun madootzanemk zorhnootyun yev uzparus, unt Hor yev unt Hokvooyt Surpoh, ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyanus havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: In this dwelling of Holiness and in this place of praise, in this habitation of angels and the house of expiation of men, before these symbols accepted by God and glorified, and before this sanctuary, we humble ourselves and bow down in fear, we bless and glorify thine Holy, wondrous and triumphant dominion, and together with the heavenly hosts we offer blessings and glory unto Thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
CONGREGATION SITS (If the celebrant be a Bishop, the hymn "CHOSEN OF GOD" is usually sung while the Bishop is praying in silence.) CONGREGATION SITS (If the celebrant be a Bishop, the hymn "CHOSEN OF GOD" is usually sung while the Bishop is praying in silence.)
The Curtain is drawn, MEGHEHTI SHARAGAN is sung, according to the proper of the day. Then the Curtain is opened, and the Priest censes the Sanctuary, and in procession returns to the Altar, while the Choir sings. Curtain is drawn, if celebrant is a priest, and HYMN of CENSING according to the proper of the day is sung. After which the curtain is withdrawn and the Choir sings one of the appropriate processionals, below, while the Bishop or Priest is censing the Sanctuary.
CHOIR: PAREKHOSOOTYAMP mor koh yev goosi ungal zaghachanus kotz bashdoneyitz. Vor kerakooyn kan zerginus baydsahrahtsootser soorp yegeghetzi aryamp kov Krisdos, yev usd yergnaynotzun garketzer ee sma ztass arakelotz yev markareyitz soorp vartabedatz. CHOIR: hymn of Censing ( usual processional ) through the intercession of thy virgin mother accept the such applications of thy servants, also ordained within her, after the pattern of the heavenly hosts, the orders of the apostles, of prophets and of Holy teachers.
Aysor jhoghovyal task kahanayitz, sargavakatz, tubratz yev gugherigosatz, khoong madootzanemk arachi ko Der, horinag usd hnoomun Zakaria. Ungal arr ee mehnch zkhunganuver makhtans, vorbes zbadarakus Abeli, zNoyi yev zAbrahamoo. This day we, ranks of priests, deacons, clerks and it clerics herein assembled, offer incense before thee, O lord, as Zacharia did of old. Accept from us our prayers with offerings of incense, as the sacrifice of Abel, of Noah and Abraham.
Parekhosootyamp verin ko zorats, mishd ansharjh bahya zators haygaznayans three the intercession of thy supernal hosts maintaining ever unshaken the throne of Armenia.
(or) OORAKH LER soorp yegeghetzi, kanzi Krisdos arkayn yergnitz aysor buhsagyatz uzkez khachin yoorov, yev zartaryatz zahmoorus ko skancheli parokn yoorov. (Variable) (or) REJOICE, O HOLY CHURCH (variable) for Christ of the king of heaven has this day crowned the with his cross, and has adorned his bulwards with his wonderous glory.

(according to the proper of the day)


(according to the proper of the day)

DEACON: Orhnya, Der. DEACON: Bless, Lord.
PRIEST: Orhnyal takavorootyunn Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpoh, ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: Blessed be the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
CHOIR: Miyadzin Vorti yev pant Asdvadz yev anmah eyootyun, vor hantzun arer marmnanal ee surpoohvo Asdvadzadznen yev ee mishd goosen. Anpopokhelit mart yeghyal, khachetzar, Krisdos Asdvadz mer. Mahvamp uzmah gokhetzer. Mint ee Surpo Yerortutenen, paravoragitz unt Hor yev Surpo Hokvooyn getzo uzmez. CHOIR: (INTROIT) ONLY-BEGOTTEN SON and word of God and being immortal who didst deign to become incarnate through the Holy Mother-of-God and the ever virgin. Thou, unchangeable as thou art, didst trample down death by death. O Christ our God, who art one of the Holy Trinity, in glory equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestzook. Ungal, getzo yev voghormya. Orhnia, Der. DEACON: Again in peace let us beseech the Lord. Receive, save and have mercy. Bless, Lord.
PRIEST: Orhnootyun yev park Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpo, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. Khaghaghootyoon amenetzoon. PRIEST: Blessing and glory to the father and to the sun and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Peace unto all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyd koom. CHOIR: And with thy spirits.
DEACON: Asdoodzo yergurbakestzoo. DEACON: Let us bow down to God.
CHOIR: Arachi ko Der. CHOIR: Before thee, O lord.
PRIEST: Der Asdvadz mer, voro garoghootyunud ankunin eh yev parkud anhasaneli voro voghormootyunud anchap eh, yev kuhtootyoonud anpav, too ust arad martasirutyanud koom nayatz ee jhoghovoortus ko yev ee dajarus ays soorp. Yev ara unt mez yev unt aghotagitzus mer aradabes zoghormutyoon ko yev uzkututyoon. PRIEST: O Lord our God, whose power is unsearchable and the glory inscrutable, whose mercy is immeasurable and the compassion inexhaustible, do Thou, according to Thy abundant love of man, look down upon this thy people and this holy temple and make abundant Thy mercy and with Thy pity unto us and unto them that pray with us.
Zi kez vayeleh park, ishkhanutyun yev badiv, aijhm yev misht yev havidyzns havidenitz. Amen. For unto thee is fitting glory, dominion, and honour, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
DEACON: Der takavoryatz, vayelchootyun uzketzav.... DEACON: The Lord reighneth, He is apparelled with majesty.
CHOIR: (HAROOTYAN SAGHMOS, Jashou Psalm and Hymn proper to the day)

KOVYA YEROOSAGHEM uzDer, Haryav Krisdos ee mehrehlotz, Alleluya. Yegayk jhoghovoort, yerkehtzek Dyarn Alleluia. Park Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpoh. Aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. Harootzehlooyn ee mehrehlotz, Alleluia, vor zashkharhus loosavoryatz. Alleluia.

CHOIR: (Midday Psalm and Hymn, proper to the day) Resurrection Day, Psalm Praise the Lord O Jerusalem, Christ is risen from the dead, Alleluia. Come ye peoples. Sing unto the Lord, Alleluia. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen. To Him that is risen from the dead, Alleluia. To Him that enlightened the world, Alleluia.
(or) DER TAKAVORYATZ vayelchootyun uzketsav. Vor anpavehli haghtogh zorootyamp takavor yes yergni yev yergri Krisdos Asduvadz orhnapanemk uzkez, Vor parragtzootyamp unt hor verorhnis hanmahitz yev khonaryal marmin uzketzar parratz takavor, Orhnapanemk uzkez. Park Hor, yev Vortvo, yev Hokvooyn Surpoh, ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz, Amen. Vor garoghabes uzmah gokhetzer yev harootzyal loosavoretzer soorp zegeghetzi anmah ehyootyun. Orhnapanemk uzkez. (or) The Lord is King, thou art infinite, victorious is might, king of heaven and earth, O Christ our God, we glorify Thee, Thou who, being co-equal in glory with the Father, art extolled by the immortals, yet Thou didst humble thyself, King of Glory as though art, by taking human body. O glorious King, we glorify Thee. Thou who with might didst trample death, and rising (from the dead) thou didst illuminate thy holy church; O immortal being, we glorify thee.
PRIEST: Zi ko eh garoghootyiun yev zorootyun yev park havidyans. Amen. PRIEST: For thine is the might and power and glory, unto the ages. Amen.
DEACON: Broskhoomeh. DEACON: Let us attend.
CHOIR: SOORP ASDVADZ, Soorp yev huzor, soorp yev anmah, (vor haryar ee mehrelotz) Voghormia mez. (according to the proper of the day) - 3 times. CHOIR: Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, (who didst rise from the dead) (according to the proper of the day) Have mercy upon us.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestsook. DEACON: Again in peace, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vasun khaghaghootyan amenayn ashkhari yev hasdadootyan Surpoh Yegeghetzvo, uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: For the peace of the whole world and the stability of the holy Church, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vasun amenayn soorp yev ooghapar yebisgobosatz, uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: For all the Holy and Orthodox Bishops, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vasun Hayrabedin meroh Dyarun Karekini Surpaznakooyn Gatoghigosi genatz yev purgootyan hokvoh norin, uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: For the Life of our Patriarch Karekin II, and for the salvation of His soul, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
[--optional below this line--] [--optional below this line--]
DEACON: Vasun vartabedatz, kahanayitz, sargavankatz, tubratz, yev amenayn ookhdi mangantz yegeghetzvo, uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: For doctor, priests, deacons, clerks and for all the league of the children of the church, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vasun barebashd takavoratz yev Asdvadsaser ishkhanatz, zoravaratz yev zoratz notzin, uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: For pious Kings and for God-loving princes, captains and their armies, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vahsun hokvotzun hankootzelotz, vork jushmarid yev ooghigh havadov ee Krisdos nunchetzin, zDer aghachestsook. DEACON: For the souls of them that are at rest and have fallen asleep in Christ in the true and right faith, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Remember Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Yev yevus miapan vasun jushmarid yev soorp havadooys meroh, zDer aghachestsook. DEACON: Again with one accord, for our true and Holy faith, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Zantsinus mer yev uzmimyanus Dyarn Asdoodzo amenagalin hantzun arastsook. DEACON: Let us commit ourselves and one another unto the Lord, the almighty God.
CHOIR: Kez Dyarnt hantzun yeghitsook. CHOIR: Let us, O Lord, be committed unto Thee.
DEACON: Voghormyatz mez, Der Asdvadz mer, usd medzi voghormootyan koom, asastsook amenekyan miyapanootyamp. DEACON: Have mercy on us, O Lord our God, according to they great mercy.
[--optional above this line--] [--optional above this line--]
CHOIR: Der Voghormia. (3 times) CHOIR: Lord have mercy. (3 times)
PRIEST: Zi voghormatz yev martaser yes Asdvadz kolov, yev kez vayeleh park, ishkhanootyun yev badiv, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz, Amen. PRIEST: For thou art being God, art merciful and man-loving, and unto thee is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
(JASHOO KIRK - by a Reader, according to the proper of the day, followed by the Choir singing the Alleluia of the day). A reader reads from the book of Prophets and of the Apostles, and the Choirs sings the Alleluia of the day.
CHOIR: Alleluya, alleluya, haryav Asdvadz yev tzurvetzan amenayn tushnamik nora. CHOIR: Alleluia, Alleluia, God arose, and all His enemies scattered.
DEACON: Alleluia Orti [RISE/STAND] DEACON: Let us rise.
PRIEST: Khaghaghootyun amenehtzoon. PRIEST: Peace be to all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyt koom. CHOIR: And also with thy spirit.
DEACON: Yergyughadsutyamp luvarook. DEACON: Hearken ye in reverence.
PRIEST: (Or Deacon) Surpo Avedaranis Hisoosi Krisdosi vor ust Mateosi. PRIEST (or deacon): The Holy gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew.
CHOIR: Park kez der Asdvadz mer. CHOIR: Glory be to thee, O Lord our God.
DEACON: Broskhoomeh. DEACON: Let us attend
CHOIR: Ahseh Asdvadz. CHOIR: God doth speak.
DEACON: (reads the Holy Gospel) DEACON: (reads the Holy Gospel)
CHOIR: Park kez Der Asdvadz mer. CHOIR: Glory to Thee O Lord our God.
ALL: HAVADAMK ee mi Asdvadz/, ee Hayrn amenagal/ Hararichn yergni yev yergri/ yereveliatz yev anerevootitz/ Yev ee mi Der Hisoos Krisdos/ Vortin Asdoodzo/ dzunyaln hAsdoodzo Horeh/ miyadzin/ aysinkun eyooteneh Hor/ Asdvadz hAsdoodzo/ looys ee looso/ Asdvadz jushmarid hAsdoodzo jushmardeh/ dzunoont/ yev voch araradz/ Nooyn inkun ee punooteneh Hor/ vorov amenayn inch yeghev hergins yev ee verah yergri/ yerevelik yev anerevuytk/ Vor haghakus mer/ martgan/ yev vasun mero purgootyan/ ichyal ee hergnitz/ marmnatzav/ martgatzav dzunav gadaryalabes/ ee Maryama surpo goosen/ Hokvovun Surpov/ vorov eyar marmin/ zhoki/ yev zmid/ yev zamenayn vor inch eh ee mart/ jushmardabes yev voch gardzyok/ Charcharyal/ khachyal/ taghyal/ yerort avoor harootzyal/ yelyal ee hergins novin marmnovn/ nusdav unt achmeh Hor/ Kalotz eh novin marmnovn yev parok Hor/ ee tadel uzgentanis yev uzmeryals/ voro takavorutyan voch ko vaghchan/ Havadamk/ yev ee Soorp Hokin/ haneghn yev ee gadaryalun/ vor Khosetsav horenus yev ee markares yev havedaranus/ Vor echun ee Hortanan/ karozyatz arakialsun/ yev pnagetzav ee soorpsun/ Havadamk/ yev ee mi miyayn/ untanragan yev arakelagan soorp Yegeghetzi/ ee mi mugurdutyun/ habashkharootyun ee kavootyoon yev ee toghotyoon meghatz/ Ee harootyun merelotz/ ee tadasdann havidenitz/ hokvotz yev marmnotz/ arkayootyunn yergnitz/ yev ee gyansun havidenagans. ALL: (recite the Nicene Creed in full). We believe in One God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father, only begotten, that is of the substance of the Father. God of God, light of light, very God of very God, begotten and not made; Himself of the nature of the Father, by whom all things came into being in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate, was made man, was born perfectly of the Holy Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. By whom he took body, soul and mind, and everything that is in man, truly and not in semblance. He suffered and was crucified, and was buried and rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven with the same body and sat at the right hand of the Father. He is to come with the same body, and with the glory of the Father to judge the quick and the dead, of Whose kingdom there is no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the uncreated and the perfect, who spoke in the law and the prophets and the Gospel, Who came down upon the Jordan, preached to the Apostles and dwelt in the saints. We believe also in only one, catholic, and apostolic , holy Church, in one baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; in the resurrection of the dead, and in the everlasting judgement of souls and bodies, in the kingdom of heaven and in the life eternal.
DEACON: Isk vork asen er yerpemun horjham voch er Vortin, gam er yerpemun horjham voch er Soorp Hokin, gam teh hocheyitz yeghen gam hailmeh eyooteneh asen linel Vortin Asdoodzo yev gam uzSoorp Hokin, yev teh popokhelik yen gam ailailelik, zain bisisn nuzoveh gatoghigeh yev arakelagan soorp Yegeghetzi. DEACON: As for those who say there was a tome when the Son was not, or there was a time when the Holy Spirit was not or that they came into being out of nothing, or who say that the Son of God or the Holy Spirit be of different substance and that they be changeable or alterable, such doth the catholic and apostolic Church denounce.
PRIEST: Isk mek paravorestzook vor harach kan uzhavidyzns yergirbanakanelov surpo Yerortootyann yev mi Asdvadzootyann Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvuyn Surpo, aijhm yev misht yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: As for us, we shall glorify Him who wast before the ages, worshipping the Holy Trinity, and the one Godhead , the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages, Amen.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghutyan uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: Again in peace, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Yev yevus havadov aghachestzook yev khuntrestzook ee Diarne Asdoodzo yev ee purgchen mermeh, Hisoos Krisdos, ee jhamoos bashdaman yev aghotitz, zi arjhani untoonelutyan arestze. Luvitze Der tzayni aghachanatz merotz, ungaltzi uzkhunturvadzus urditz merotz, toghtze uzhantzanus mer voghormestzi ee vera mer. Aghotk mer yev khunturvadzk hamenayn jham mustzen arachi medzi derootyan nora, yev na datzeh mez miaban miov havadov yev artarootyamp vasdagel ee kordzus baris; zi zoghormootyan uzshunorhus yoor arastze ee vera mer; Derun amenagal getzoostze yev voghormestzi. DEACON: Again in faith, let us beseech and ask of out Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, at this hour of service and prayers, that He may make them worthy of acceptance; may the Lord hearken to the voice of our supplication; may he receive the requests of our hearts; may he forgive our trespasses and have mercy upon us; May our prayers and requests at all times enter into the presence of His great majesty and me he grant us to labour in good works with one accord, in one faith and in righteousness, that he may send down upon us the gifts if His mercy. May the Lord almighty save us and have mercy.
CHOIR: Getzo, Der. CHOIR: Save, O Lord.
DEACON: Uzjham soorp badarakis yev zaradchaga orus khaghaghootyamp antzootzanel havadov, ee Diarne khuntrestzook. DEACON: That we may pass this hour of Holy sacrifice and the day now before us in peace and in faith, let us ask of the Lord.
CHOIR: Shnorya, Der. CHOIR: Grant, O Lord.
DEACON: Uzhreshdag khaghaghootyan bahaban antzantz merotz ee Diarne Khuntrestzook. DEACON: The angel of peace guard our souls, let us ask of the Lord.
CHOIR: Shnorya, Der. CHOIR: Grant, O Lord.
DEACON: Uzkavootyoon yev uztoghootyoon hantzanatz merotz ee Diarne khuntrestzook. DEACON: The forgiveness and remission of our transgressions, let us ask of the Lord.
CHOIR: Shnorya, Der. CHOIR: Grant, O Lord.
DEACON: Uzsurpo khachin medz yev garogh zorootyoonun hoknootyoon antzantz merotz ee Diarne khuntrestzook. DEACON: The great and mighty power of the holy cross to help our souls.
CHOIR: Shnorya, Der. CHOIR: Grant, O Lord.
DEACON: Yev yevus miaban vasun jushmarid yev soorp havadooys mero uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: Again with one accord for our true and holy faith, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, Voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Zantzinus mer yev uzmimyanus Diarn Asdoodzo amenagalin hantzn arastzook. DEACON: Let us commit ourselves and one another to the Almighty Lord.
CHOIR: Kez Diarnut hantzun yeghitzook. CHOIR: Let us, O Lord, be committed unto Thee
DEACON: Voghormyatz mez, Der Asdvadz mer, usd medzi voghormootyan koom; asasrzook amenakyan miabanootyamp. DEACON: Have mercy upon us, O Lord, our God, according to thy great mercy, let us all say with one accord.
CHOIR: Der, Voghormia. (3 times) CHOIR: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.
PRIEST: Vorbes zi arjhanavork yeghitzook kohootyamp paravorel uzkez unt Hor yev Soorp Hokvooyt, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. Khaghaghaghutyoon amenetsoon. PRIEST: That we may be made worthy to give thee thanks and to glorify thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Peace unto all.

CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyd koom. CHOIR: And with thy spirit.
DEACON: Asdoodzo yergirbakestzook. DEACON: Let us bow down to God.
CHOIR: Arachi ko, Der. CHOIR: Before thee, O Lord.
PRIEST: Khaghaghutyamp kov Krisdos purgich mer, vor ee ver eh kan zamenayn midus yev zbans, amratzo zmez yev anergyugh bahya amenayn chareh. Havasaria zmez unt jushmarid yergurbakoos ko, vork hokvov yev jushmardutyamp kez yergirbakanen. Vasn zi amenasoorp Yerortutyant vayeleh park, ishkhanutyun yev badiv, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Orhnyal Der mer Hisoos Krisdos. Amen. PRIEST: With thy peace, of Christ our Saviour, which passeth all understanding and speech, defend us and keep us fearless from all evil; make us equal to they true worshipers, who worship thee is spirit and in truth; for unto the most Holy Trinity is witting glory, dominion and honour, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Blessed be our Lord, Jesus Christ.
DEACON: Orhnya Der. DEACON: Bless the Lord.
PRIEST: Der Asdvadz orhnestzek zamenesyan. PRIEST: May the Lord bless you all.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen. (Deacon removes the celebrant's crown)
DEACON: Mi vok herakhayitz, mi vok ee tehrahavaditz, yev mi vok habashkharoghatz yev hanmakritz mertzestsi Asdvadzayin khorhoorduz. DEACON: Let none of the catechumens, none of little faith and none of the penitents nor of the unclean draw near unto the divine mystery.

yev aryoon purgchagan ga arachi yergnayin zorootyoonkn hanerevooyts, yerken yev asen anhankisd parparov. Soorp, soorp, soorp, Der zorootyantz.

CHOIR: THE BODY OF THE LORD and the blood of the Saviour are laid up for us. The heavenly hosts invisible sing and say with unceasing voice: Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Hosts.
DEACON: Saghmos asatzek Diarn Asdoodzo mehroom, tubir, tzainiv kaghtzrootyamp zerkus hokevors. DEACON: Sing Psalms unto the Lord God, ye clerks, sing spiritual songs with a sweet voice.
(Surpasatzootyoon, according to the proper of the day is sung) HRESHDAGAYIN garkavorootyamp lutzer Asdvadz, zko Soorp Yegeghetzi.

The Bearer, who has carried around the sacred bread and the cup of immortality to the Altar, turns) In the absence of a Bearer or another Priest, the following parts are said inaudibly).

(The Hagiody according to the proper of the day is sung) WITH ANGELIC ORDER, thou hast filled, O God, thine Holy Church,?

(While the Priest prays and the Hagiody is sung, the Bearer carries around the sacred bread and the cup of immortality to the Holy Table, and coming to the steps of the Altar, the bearer turns,? In the absence of a bearer or another Priest, the following parts are said inaudibly.)

PRIEST: Alelluia, alelluia. PRIEST: Alelluia, alelluia.
BEARER: (or Deacon) Hampartzek ishkhank uzdroonus tzer ee ver. Hampartzin troonk havidenitz yev mdse takavor paratz. BEARER (or deacon): Lift up your gates, O ye princes, let the everlasting doors be lifted up and the King of Glory come in.
PRIEST: Ov eh sa takavor paratz, Der huzor zorootyamp yoorov, Der garogh ee baderazmi. PRIEST: Who is the king of Glory? The Lord string in His power, the Lord mighty in battle.
BEARER: Hampartzek ishkhank uzdroonus tzer ee ver, Hampartzin droonk havidenitz yev muddzeh takavor paratz. BEARER: Lift up your gates, ye princes; let the everlasting doors be lifted up and the King of Glory come in.
PRIEST: Ov eh sa takavor paratz, Der zorootyantz. PRIEST: Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts?
BEARER: Sa inkn eh takavor paratz. BEARER: Even He is the King of Glory.
PRIEST: Orhnyal yegyal anvamp Diarn. Orhnyal vor kalotz eh. PRIEST: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.
CHOIR: Hazark hazaratz hreshdagabedk gan arachi Ko. Yev piurk piurotz hreshdagk bashden zkez, Der, yev ee mardgank hajetzar untoonil zornootyun, tsayniv khorhrtaganav; Soorp, soorp, soorp Der zorootyantz. CHOIR: Thousands, thousands of archangels stand before thee, and myriads of angels minister to thee, O Lord; yet Thou art well pleased to accept praises from men in the mystical song, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestzook. DEACON: Again, in peace let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Yev yevus havadov yev surpootyamp gatzook haghotus arachi surpo Seghanooys Asoodzo ahiv. Mi khughjiv yev kaitaghootyamp, mi nungootyamp, khoramangootyamp, mi badranok yev khabeyootyamp mi yergmudootyamp yev mi terahavadootyamp. Ayl ooghigh varook, barz mudok miyamid surdiv, gadaryal havadov, lutzyal sirov, li yev aravelyal amenayn kortzovk parootyan gatzook haghotus arachi surpo Seghanoys. Asdoodo, yev kudtzook zoghormootyan shnorhus, havoor haydnootyan yev ee myoosankam kalusdyan Dyarn meroh yev purgohin Hisoosi Krisdosi, Getzoostzeh yev voghormestsi. DEACON: Again in faith and purity, let us stand in awe and pray before the Holy Altar of God; not with evil conscience and offence, not with guile and cunning, not with deceit and wiles, not with doubt and not with little faith; but with a right conduct, a pure mind, a single heart, with perfect faith, being filled with love, full and abounding in all good works. Let us stand in prayer before the Holy Altar of God that we may find grace and mercy in the day of appearing and the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May He save and have mercy.
CHOIR: Getzo, Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Save, O Lord, and have mercy.
PRIEST: Shnorhok yev martasirootyamp Dyarn meroh yev purgchin Hisoosi Krisdosi, unt voroom kez Hor, miankamayn yev Hokvooty Surpo, vayeleh park, ishkhanutyoon yev badiv, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. + Khakhaghutyoon amenetzoon. PRIEST: By the grace and everlasting kindness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with whom unto thee, O Father, and also to the Holy Spirit is fitting Glory, dominion and honour, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Peace unto all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooty koom. CHOIR: And with The spirit.
DEACON: Asdoodzo yergurbakestzook. DEACON: Let us bow down unto God.
DEACON: Voghchooyn dook mimyantz

ee hampooyr surpootyan. Yev vork voch ek garoghk haghortil Asdvadzayin khorhurtooys, artroons yelek yev aghotetzek.

DEACON: Greet thee one another with a holy kiss. And ye that are not able to partake of this divine mystery have gone without the doors and pray. (The kiss of peace is passed throughout the congregation)
CHOIR: (VOGHCHOOYN) Krisdos ee mech mer haydnetzav, Vor enn Asdvadz asd pazmehtzav. Khaghaghootyan tsayn hunchetzav, Soorp voghchooyni hraman duvav, Yegeghetzis mi antzn yeghev, Hampooyrus hot lurman duvav, Tushnamootyunun heratsav, Sern huntanoorus supretsav. Art bashdonyaik partzyal uztsayn, Dook zorhnootyun ee mi peran. Miasnagan Asdvadzootyan, Voroom srovpekn yen surpapan. CHOIR: (Kiss of peace hymn) Christ is in our midst hath been revealed. He who is God is here seated. The voice of peace hath resounded. Holy greeting hath been enjoined. Here the Church is become one soul. This kiss is given for a bond of fullness. The enmity hath been removed. And love is spread over us all. Now ministers, raising your voice, give ye blessings with one accord to the consubstantial Godhead, to whom Seraphim give praises.
(On Festival Days, the following is sung) (On Festival Days, the following is sung)
DEACON: Vork havadov gayk hantiman soorp seghanooys arkayagan. Desek pazmyal zKrisdos arkayn, yev shoorch badyal zork vernagan. DEACON: ye who stand with faith before the royal Holy Table, behold Christ the King enthroned and the heavenly hosts surrounding Him.
CHOIR: Vor hamparnamk zachs oonelov, yev baghadimk zays aselov: zmeghus mer mi hishestzes, ayl kutootyamp ko kavestzes. Unt hreshdagatzn orhnemk uzkez, yev unt surpots kotz, Der, park kez.) CHOIR: We lift up our eyes and behold and we implore Him saying: Remember not out sins, O Lord, but in Thy pity forgive them. With the angels we praise Thee, Lord, and with thy saints, glorify Thee.)
DEACON: Ahiv gatzook, yergyooghiv gatzook, parvok gatzook, yev nayetzarook uzkooshootyamp. DEACON: Let us stand in awe, let us stand in reverence, let us stand right and attend with good heed.
CHOIR: Ar kez Asdvadz. CHOIR: To Thee, O God.
DEACON: Badarak Krisdos madchi anarad karn Asdoodzo. DEACON: Christ, the spotless Lamb of God is offered in sacrifice of praise.
PRIEST: Shnork, ser, yev asdvadzayin surparar zorootyunn Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpo, +Yeghitzi unt tzez, unt amenesiant. PRIEST: The grace, the love and the divine sanctifying power of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
CHOIR: Voghormootyun yev khaghaghootyun yev badarak orhnootyan. CHOIR: Amen, and with Thy spirit.
DEACON: Uzduroons, uzduroons. Amenayn imasdootyamp yev uzkooshootyamp. Ee ver untzayehtzootsek uzmidus tser Asdvadzayin yergyughiv. DEACON: The doors, the doors. With all wisdom and good heed. Lift up your minds in reverence of God.
CHOIR: Oonimk ar kez Der amenagal. CHOIR: We lift them up unto Thee, O Lord Almighty.
DEACON: Yev kohantzarook uzDiarneh polorov surdiv. DEACON: And give thanks unto God, the Lord, with the whole heart.
CHOIR: Arjhan yev irav. CHOIR: It is meet and right.
(doors are closed, and no movement in the Church. Late comers must wait in vestibule.) (doors are closed, and no movement in the Church. Late comers must wait in vestibule.)
PRIEST: Yev unt Serovpesun yev unt Kerovpesn, miyatzayn surpasatzootyamp horinel nuvakus, yev hamartzagabes gochelov aghaghagel unt nosin yev asel.. PRIEST: And, singing the song of the Holy, to make melodies in concord with the Seraphim and the Cherubim, and, boldly crying out, to shout with them and to say,?
CHOIR: SOORP, SOORP, soorp, Der zorootyantz. Li yen yergink yev yergir parok ko. Orhnootyun ee partzoons. Orhnyalk vor yergir yev kalotzd yes anvamp Diarn. Ovsanna ee partzoons. CHOIR: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Blessing in the highest. Blessed art Thou that didst come in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
PRIEST: Arek, gerek, AYS EH MARMIN IM, vor vasun tzer yev pazmatz pashkhi, ee kavootyoon yev ee toghootyun meghatz. PRIEST: Take, eat, this is my body which is distributed for you and for many for propitiation and for the remission of sins.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Arpek ee sumaneh amenekyan, AYS EH ARYOON IM noroh ookhdi, vor haghakus tzer yev pazmatz heghani, ee kavootyun yev ee toghootyun meghatz. PRIEST: Drink ye all of this; This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for propitiation and for the remission of sins.
CHOIR: AMEN, HAYR YERGNAVOR, vor zordid ko yedoor ee mah, vasun mer bardaban bardiatz merotz, heghmamp aryan nora, aghachemk uzkez, voghormya ko panavor hodi. CHOIR: Amen. (Hymn to the Father) Heavenly Father, who didst give Thy son unto death for us, debtor for our debts, by the shedding of His blood, we beseech Thee, have mercy upon Thy reasonable flock.
PRIEST: Yev uzkooys ee koyotz kez madootzanemk ust amenaynee yev haghakus amenetzoon. PRIEST: And Thine of Thine unto Thee we offer from all and for all.
CHOIR: HAMENAYNEE Orhnyal yes, Der. Orhnemk uzkez, kovemk uzkez. Kohanamk uzken. Aghachemk uzkez, Der, Asdvadz mer. CHOIR: (Hymn of blessing). In all things, blessed art Thou, O Lord. We bless Thee, we praise Thee, we give thanks to Thee, we pray unto Thee O Lord our God.
PRIEST: Khaghaghootyun amenetzoon. PRIEST: Peace unto all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyt koom. CHOIR: And with thy spirit.
DEACON: Asdoodzo yergurbakestzook. DEACON: Let us bow down unto God.
CHOIR: ARACHI KO DER. Vorti Asdoodzo, vor badarakial Hor ee hashdootyun, hatz genatz bashkhis ee mez. Heghmamp aryan ko soorp, aghachemk uzkez, voghormia aryamp kov purgyal hodi. CHOIR: Before Thee, O Lord. Son of God, Who art sacrificed to the Father for reconciliation, bread of life, distributed among us, by the shedding of Thy Holy Blood, we beseech Thee, have mercy on Thy flock, saved by Thy Blood.
PRIEST: Vorbes zi yeghitzi sa amenetzoon mez nertzetzelotz, hantadabardootyun, ee kavootyun, yev ee toghootyun meghatz. PRIEST: So that this may be to us all, who draw near thereunto, for acquittal, for propitiation and for remission of sins.
CHOIR: HOKI ASDOODZO, vor zparagtzi ko zkhorhoort ichyal ee hergnitz gadares ee tzerun mer, heghamp aryan sora, aghachemk uzkez, hanko zhokis mer nunchetzelotz. CHOIR: Spirit of God who descending from heaven dost perform through us the mystery of Him that is glorified with Thee, by the shedding of His Blood, we beseech Thee, grant rest to the souls of us that are fallen asleep.
(Later-comers waiting outside may now come in) (Later-comers waiting outside may now come in)
PRIEST: Unt vorus yev mez aytz arastzes parerar Asdvadz, aghachemk. PRIEST: With whom visit us also, beneficent God, we beseech Thee.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
PRIEST: Asdvadzadznin Surpo Goosin Mariyamoo yev Hovhannoo Mugrdichin, Stepanosi Nakhavugayin yev amenayn surpotz, yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. PRIEST: Of the Mother-of-God, the Holy virgin Mary and John the Baptist, of proto-martyr Stephen and of all the saints, to be mindful in His Holy sacrifice, we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Arakelotz surpotz, markareyitz vartabedatz, mardirosatz yev amenayn hayrabedatz surpotz; arakelakordz yebisgobosatz, yeritzyants, ooghapar sargavakatz yev amenayn surpotz yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. DEACON: Of the Holy Apostles, the prophets, doctors, martyrs and of all Holy patriarchs, apostolic bishops, presbyters, orthodox deacons and of all the saints to be mindful in this Holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Orhnyal, kovyal yev paravoryal, hrashali yev asdvadzazart harutyan Krisdosi yergirbakanemk. DEACON: The blessed, praised, glorified, marvellous and divine resurrection of Christ we worship.
CHOIR: Park, Harootyan ko, Der. CHOIR: Glory to Thy resurrection, O Lord.
DEACON: Arachnortatzun merotz yev arachin loosavorchatz surpotzn Tateosi yev Partoghimeyosi arakelotzn yev Krikori Loosavorchin Aresdagisi, Vurtanisi, Hoosgan, Krikorisi, Nersesi, Sahagh, Taniyeli, Khatah, yev Mesrobah vartabedin yev Krikori Naregatzvooyn, yev Nersesi Glayetzvooyn, Hovhannoo Vorodnetzvoyn yev Krikori yev Movsesi Datevatzyatsn yev surpoh Krikorisyantz yev Nersisyantz, hovvatz yev hovvabadatsn Hayasdanyaytz, yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. DEACON: Of our leaders and first enlighteners, the Holy Apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew, and of Gregory the enlightener, of Aristakes, Verthanes, Yoosik, Gregoris, Nerses, Sahak, Daniel and Khad, of Mesrob the doctor, and of Gregory of Narek, Nerses of Kla, John of Orotni, Gregory and Moses of Tatev and of the Gregorians and the Nersesians and of all the pastors and chief-pastors of Armenia, to be mindful in this Holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Miyantznatzelotz surpotz, arakinaser yev asdvadznsooytz gronavoratzun, Boghosi, Andoni, Bogha, Magara, Vonopriosi, abba Margosi, Srabioni, Neghosi, Arseni, Yevakri, Barsama, Hovhanisyantz yev Simeonyantz, surpotz Vosgeyantz yev Sookiasantz, yev amenayn surpotz hartz, yev asha gerdelotz notzin unt diyezers, yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. DEACON: Of the Holy anchorites, the virtuous and God-instructed monks Paul, Anthony, Paulus, Macarius, Onophrius, the abbot Mark, Seraphion, Nilus, Arsenius, Evagrius, Barsumas, of the Johannesians, and of the Simeonians, and of the Oskians and of the Suckiasians and of all the holy fathers and of their disciples throughout the world, be mindful in this holy sacrifice, we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya, Der, yev voghormya. OIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Takavoratz havadatzelotz surpotzn, yev amenayn soorp, yev parebashd yev asdvadzaser ishkhanatz, yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. DEACON: Of the Christian kings, the saints Abgarius, Constantianus, Tiridates and of Theodosius and of all holy and pious kings and God-fearing princes, be mindful in this holy sacrifice, we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya, Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
DEACON: Untanoor amenayn havadatzelotz, arantz yev ganantz, dzerotz yev dughayotz, yev amenayn chapoo hasagi havadov yev surpootyamp ee Krisdos nunchetzelotzn, yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachemk. DEACON: Of all the faithful everywhere, of men and women, old and young and of every age, who in faith and holiness have fallen asleep in Christ, be mindful in this holy sacrifice, we beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya, Der, yev voghormya. CHOIR: Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy.
PRIEST: Yevus aravel zEbisgobosabedun mer yev uzbadvagan Hayrabedn Amenayn Hayotz, uzDer, Der _______ yev vijagis mero parekhnam arachnortun uzder ________ Shunorhestzes mez unt yergayn avoors ooghigh vartabedutyamp. PRIEST: And especially grant us to have out chief bishop and venerable Patriarch of all Armenians, Lord _____ and ______ Primate of Calif, for length of days in orthodox doctrine.
DEACON: kohootyun yev parapanutyun madootzanemk kez, Der Asdvadz mer, vasn soorp yev anmah badarakis vor ee verah surpo seghanooys. Zi uzsa mez ee surpootyun gentanutyan barkevestzes. Sovav shnorya uzser, zhasdadootyun yev zughtzali zkhaghaghootyun amenayn ashkhari. Surpo hegeghetzvo yev amenayn ooghapar yebisgobosatz. Yebisgobosabedin mero yev badvagan Hayrabedin Amenayn Hayotz, Diarun _(KAREKIN)_ SURPAZNAKOOYN GATOGHIGOSIN, yev vijagis parekhnam Arachnortin, Diarn _______Surpazan Yebisgobosin, Yev surpo Yegeghetzvooys hovvin vor uzbadarakus madootzaneh. Yev vasun zorootyantz yev haghtootyantz takavoratz Krisdoneyitz yev ishkhanatzun parebashditz aghachestzook.

Yev khuntrestzook yev vasun hokvotzun hankootzelotz, yevus aravel vasun hankootzyal raboonabedatzun merotz yev shinoghatz surpo yegeghetzvooys yev vork unt hovanyan sorin yen hankootzyal.

Azadootyoon yeghpartz merotz kerelotz yev shunor arachiga jhoghovurtyans, hankisd havadov yev surpootyamp ee Krisdos gadarelotz. Yeghitzi hishadag ee soorp badaraks, aghachem.

DEACON: Thanksgiving and glory we offer unto thee, O Lord, out God, for this Holy and Immortal sacrifice which si on this Holy table, that thou wilt vouchsafe it to be of holiness of life unto us. Through this, grant love, stability and the desirable peace to the whole world, to the Holy Church and to all Orthodox Bishops and to our chief bishop and venerable Patriarch of all Armenians, Lord KAREKIN CATHOLICOS, and our Primate, Lord _____, and to the Priest who offereth this sacrifice.

Let us pray for the armies and for the victory of Christian Kings and pious princes. Let us also beseech and entreat the Lord for the souls of that that are at rest, and moreover for our prelates that are at rest and for the founders of the Holy Church and for them that are at rest under the shadow thereof.

Let us ask deliverance for those of our brethren that are captive, and grace upon the congregation here present, and rest for them that have died in Christ with faith and holiness. Of those to be mindful in this Holy sacrifice we beseech the Lord.

CHOIR: Usd amenayni yev haghaks amenetzun. CHOIR: From all and for all.
PRIEST: Yev yeghitzi voghormutyoon medzis Asdoodzo yev purgchis mero Hisoos Krisdosi, unt tzez unt amenesian. PRIEST: And the mercy of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ be with you all.
CHOIR: Amen. Yev unt hokvooyd koom.(SOLO) CHOIR: (Soloist) Amen, and with Thy spirit.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghutyan uzder aghachestzook. DEACON: Amen. Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Amenayn surpovk zorus hishadagetzav, yevus aravelabes uzDer aghachestzuk. DEACON: By all the saints whom we have commemorated, again lest us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vasun madootzyal soorp yev asdvadzayin anmah badarakis, vor ee vera surpoh seghanoys, uzDer aghachestzuk. DEACON: By the Holy, Divine and Immortal Sacrifice that hath been offered on this Holy Altar, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Vorbes zi Der Asdvadz mer, vor Ungalav uzsa ee soorp; hergnayin yev imanali yoor madootzarann, spokhanagn arakestzeh ar mez uzshnore yev uzbarkevs Hokvooyn Surpo. Uzder aghachestzook. DEACON: That the Lord our God, who hath accepted it in His Holy, Heavenly and intelligible Altar, may in return send down upon us grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der, voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Ungal, getzo yev voghormia, yev bahya uzmez, Der, koyin shnorhid. DEACON: Receive, save and have mercy and keep us, O Lord, by Thy grace.
CHOIR: Getzo Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Save, O Lord, and have mercy
DEACON: Zamenasurpoohi zAsdvadzadzinn zmishd gooysun Mariam hantertz amenayn surpovk hishelov, zDer aghachestzook. DEACON: Making mention of the all-Holy-Mother-of-God and ever-virgin Mary together with all the saints, let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Hishya Der, yev voghormya. Der voghormya kez dyarnut hantzn yeghitzuk Der voghormia (3 times). CHOIR: Remember, O Lord, and Have mercy. Lord have mercy. Be mindful Lord and have mercy. (3 times).
PRIEST: Yev door mez hamartzagatzayn parparov panal uzperanus mer, gartal uzkez, yergnavorut Hayr, yerkel yev asel PRIEST: And grant us to open our mouths with cry of bold voice, to call upon Thee O Heavenly Father, to sing and say...
CHOIR: HAYR MER vor hergins yes, soorp yeghitzi anoon ko. Yegestzeh arkayootyun ko. Yeghitzin gamk ko, vorbes hergins yev hergri; Uzhatz mer hanabazort, door mez aysor. Togh mez uzbardis mer Vorbes yev mek toghoomk merotz bardabanatz. Yev mi danir uzmez ee portzootyun, Ayl purgya ee chareh. CHOIR: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
PRIEST: Zi ko eh arkayootyun yev zorootyun yev park havidians. Amen. + Khaghaghutyun amenetzoon. PRIEST: For Thine is the kingdom and the power and glory, unto the ages. Amen. + Peace unto all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyd koom. CHOIR: And with Thy Spirit.
DEACON: Asdoodzo yergurbakestzook. DEACON: Let us bow down unto God.
CHOIR: Arachi ko Der. CHOIR: Before Thee, O Lord.
PRIEST: Krisdosiv Hisoosiv, Deramp merov, unt voroom kez Hokvooyd Surpoh yev Hor amenagali vayeleh park, ishkhanootyun yev badiv, ayjhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: Through Christ Jesus, our Lord, with whom unto Thee, O Holy Spirit, and unto the Father Almighty is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
DEACON: Broskhoomeh. DEACON: Let us attend.
PRIEST: Ee surpootyun surpotz. PRIEST: Unto holiness to the Holy.
CHOIR: MIYAYN SOORP, Miyayn Der, Hisoos Krisdos, ee pars Asdoodzo Hor. Amen. CHOIR: (HYMN OF ELEVATION) ONE IS HOLY, One is Lord, Jesus Christ, in glory of God the Father, Amen.
PRIEST: Orhnyal Hayr Soorp, Asdvadz jushmarid. PRIEST: Blessed art Thou, Holy Father, very God.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Orhnyal Vortid Soorp, Asdvadz jushmarid. PRIEST: Blessed art Thou, Holy Son, very God.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Orhnyal Hokid Soorp, Asdvadz jushmarid. PRIEST: Blessed art Thou, Holy Spirit, very God.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Orhnootyun yev park Hor yev Vortvo yev Hokvooyn Surpoh, aijhm yev mishd yev havidians havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: Blessing and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
CHOIR: AMEN, HAYR SOORP, Vortid Soorp, Hokit Soorp. Orhnootyun Hor yev Vortvo yev Surpoh Hokvooyn. Aijhm yev mishd yev havidians havidenitz. Amen. CHOIR: (HYMN OF DOXOLOGY) THE FATHER HOLY, the Son Holy, the Spirit Holy. Blessing to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
PRIEST: Ee soorp, ee soorp, badvagan marmno yev hAreneh. Diarun meroh yev purgchin Hisoosi Krisdosi jashagestzook surpootyamp. Vor ichyal ee hergnitz pashkhi ee michi meroom. Sa eh gyank, hooys, harootyun, kavootyun yev toghootyun meghatz. Saghmos asatzek Diarn Asdoodzo meroom, saghmos asatzek yergnavor takavoris meroom anmahi, vor nusdi ee gars kerovbeyagans. PRIEST: In Holiness let us taste of the holy, holy and precious body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Who, having come down from heaven, is distributed among us. This is life, hope of resurrection, propitiation and remission of sins, Sing psalms unto the Lord our God, sing psalms unto our Heavenly King, the Immortal, who rideth in cherubic chariots.
(Choir and Deacons alternately) (The curtain is drawn and the kneeling choir and deacons sing LORD HAVE MERCY alternately).
CHOIR: DER VOGHORMIA (4 times) CHOIR: Lord have mercy (4 times).
DEACONS: Der Voghormia (4 times) DEACONS: Lord have mercy (4 times).
CHOIR: Amenasoorp Yerortootyun. Door ashkharhis khaghaghootyun. (or) Ari Asdvadz hartzun merotz, ler oknagan azkis hayotz. CHOIR: Help, we beseech, unto ourselves. Unto this world, O grant thou peace. (or) God of our Fathers hasten, Lord, Refuge of the afflicted, thou.
DEACONS: Yev hivantatz pujhushgootyun, nunchetzelotz arkayootyun (or) Has oknootyun dzarayitz kotz, Ler oknagan azkis hayotz. DEACON: Upon the sick bestow Thy health, unto our sleeping brethren, heaven. (or) Unto Thy servants aid vouchsafe. Be helpful to the race of Haik.
CHOIR: Der voghormia, Der voghormia Hisoos purgich, mez voghormia. CHOIR: Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy, Jesus, our Saviour, Lord, have mercy.
DEACONS: Michnortootyamp soorp yev anmah yev genarar badarakis. DEACON: By the mediation of this holy and immortal sacrifice.
CHOIR: Ungal Der, yev voghormia. CHOIR: Receive, Lord, and have mercy.
(Those who are ready for Communion come from their seats towards the Altar.)
DEACON: Saghmos asatzek Diarn Asdoodzo meroom, tubirk, tzainiv kaghtzrootyamp zerkus hokevors. Zi suma vayelen saghmosk yev orhnootyunk, alelook yev yerkuk hokevor bashdoniayk antertz ertov saghmos asatzek yev uzDer hergins orhnetzek.
CHOIR: ORHNYAL EH ASDVADZ, Krisdos badarakyal, pashkhi ee michi meroom, Aleluia. zMarmin yoor da mez geragoor, yev soorp zaryoon yoor tzogheh ee mez, Alelluya. Madik ar Der yev arek uzlooys, Alelluyah. Jashagetzek yev desek zi kaghtzr eh Der, Alelluya, (Orhnetzek uzDer hergins, Alelluya, Orhnetzek uzna ee partsoons, Alelluya) Orhnehtzek uzna, amenayn hreshdagk nora, Alleluya, Orhnetzek uzna amenayn zorootyunk norah, Alelluya. CHOIR: Blessed is the Lord, Christ is sacrifices and shared among us, Alleluia. His body He gives us for food and he bedews us with His Holy Blood, Alleluia. Draw near to the Lord and take ye the light, Alleluia. O taste ye and see how sweet is the Lord, Alleluia. (Praise the Lord in the heavens, Alleluia. Praise Him in the heights, Alleluia). Praise ye Him, all His angels, Alleluia. Praise ye Him, all ye His hosts, Alleluia.
(the Curtain opens and Communicants come forward to the foot of the Altar to receive HOLY COMMUNION) (the Curtain opens and Communicants come forward to the foot of the Altar to receive HOLY COMMUNION)
DEACON: Yergyooghiv yev havadov harach madik yev surpootyamp haghortetzarook. DEACON: With fear and with faith draw near and communicate in holiness.
(Private prayer before confession)

O Lord, God of our salvation, who are merciful and compassionate, long-suffering and full of pity and repentance of the sufferings of mankind, who desirest not the death of the sinner but rather that he may turn from his wicked ways, and live.

Do Thou, O Lord, by Thy bountiful mercy comfort Thy servants and grant them opportunity for repentance; be Thou propitious unto them by Thy Grace and make them members of Thy Holy Church, in order that their souls may be enabled through confession and repentance to enter Thy Holy Church, and with Thy flock bless and glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

CONFESSION (The Communicants kneel and make the sign of the cross.) In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy Spirit. Amen. I have sinned against the all-holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; yea, I have sinned against God.

PRIEST: Pay God grant thee forgiveness.

I confess before God and before the holy mother of God, and before all the Saints, and before Thee, Holy Father, all the sins which I have committed. For I have sinned in thought, word and deed, willingly and unwillingly, knowingly and unknowingly. I have sinned against God. (Megha Asdoodzo.)

PRIEST: May God grant thee forgiveness.

I have also sinned by the sevenfold transgressions of the deadly sins; namely, by PRIDE and all its forms; by ENVY and all its forms; by ANGER and all its forms; by SLOTH (LAZINESS) and all its forms; by COVETOUSNESS and all its forms; by GLUTTONY and all its forms; by LUST and all its forms (omitted by children). I have sinned against God. (Megha Asdoodzo.)

PRIEST: May God grant thee forgiveness.

I have sinned against my Christian duties. I was found unworthy of it by my works. While knowing the evil, yet I willingly gave way to it and from good works I purposely kept away; woe unto me (3 times). I have sinned against God. (Megha Asdoodzo.)

PRIEST: May God grant Thee forgiveness.

Reverend Father, I hold thee as reconciler and intercessor with the Only-begotten Son of God, that by power given to thee, thou wilt release me from the bond of my sins, I pray thee.

PRIEST: (ABSOLUTION) May God the lover of man have mercy upon thee, and grant thee forgiveness of all thy sins, both those which thou hast confessed, as well as those which thou hast forgotten. Therefore, with the priestly authority committed to me, and by the divine command that whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, I absolve thee of all participation in sin, in thought, in word, and in deed, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and reinstate thee in the sacraments of the holy Church, that whatsoever good thou mayest do, may be accounted to thee for good and for the glory of the life to come. Amen.

(Private Prayer after Holy Communion): We give Thee thanks, O Christ our God, who hast granted us such a taste of Thy goodness unto Holiness of life, Through it keep us holy and without sin, by dwelling among us, and grant Thy divine protection. Tend us in the pastures of Thy holy and benevolent will whereby being fortified against every while of the adversary, we may be counted worthy to hear Thy voice, and to follow Thee alone, out only victorious and true shepherd, and to receive from Thee the peace prepared for us in Thy kingdom of heaven, O our God, and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who are blessed with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

DEACON: (to the Communicants) Asatzek megha Asdoodzo. Havadamk ee Hayr soorp Asdvadz jushmarid, havadamk yev hortin soorp Asdvadz jushmarid. Khosdovanimk yev havadamk zi sa eh jushmarid, gentani yev gentanarar marmin yev aryoon Diarun meroh yev Purgchin Hisoosi Krisdosi vor barna uzmeghus ashkharhi. DEACON: (to the communicants) And I say I have sinned against God. I believe in the Holy Ghost as true God. I confess and believe that this is true, living, and life-giving body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who taketh away the sins of the world.
PRIEST: (administering Holy Communion) Marmin yev aryoon Hisoosi Krisdosi yeghitzi kez ee kavootyun yev ee toghootyun meghatz. (the PRIEST, kneeling, shall administer Holy Communion to the worthy believers one by one, and he will say in a low voice) The body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ be unto thee for expiration and forgiveness of sins.
(During communion, the Organist softly plays AYSOR ANJAR if there are many taking communion.) (During communion, the Organist softly plays AYSOR ANJAR if there are many taking communion.)
CHOIR: Asdvadz mer, yev Der mer, yerevetzav mez, Orhnyal yegyal anvamp Diarn. CHOIR: Our God and our Lord hath appeared unto us; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.
PRIEST: Getzo, Der, uzjhoghovoortus ko yev orhnya uzjharankootyunus ko; Hovya yev bartzratzo uzsosa haisumhedev minchev havidyans. (The Curtain is drawn again) PRIEST: Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thine inheritance; feed them and lift them up henceforth forevermore.
CHOIR: Lutzak ee parootyantz kotz, Der, jashagelov uzmarmin ko yev zaryoon; Park ee partzoons geragroghid uzmez; Vor hanabaz geragres uzmez, arakya ee mez uzhokevor ko zorhnootyun. Park i partzoons geragroghid uzmez. CHOIR: (HYMN OF GLORY) We are filled with Thy good things , Lord, by tasting of Thy body and blood. Glory in the highest to Thee that hast fed us. Thou who continually dost feed us, send down upon us Thy spiritual blessing. Glory in the highest to Thee that hast fed us.
DEACON: Yev yevus khaghaghootyan uzDer aghachestook. DEACON: Again in peace let us beseech the Lord.
CHOIR: Der voghormia. CHOIR: Lord have mercy.
DEACON: Yev yevus havadov ungalyalk Asdvadzayin, soorp, yergnayin, anmah, anarad yev anabagan khorhurtooys, uzDiarneh kohatzarook. DEACON: Having received in faith of the Divine, Holy, heavenly, immortal, pure and undefiled Mystery, again give thanks unto the Lord.
CHOIR: KOHANAMK UZKEN, Der, vor geragretzer uzmez, hanmahagan seghano ko. Pashkhelov uzmarmint yev zaryoont ee purgutyoon ashkharhi, yev gyank antsantz merotz. CHOIR: (HYMN OF THANKSGIVING) We give thanks to Thee, O Lord, who hast fed us at The table of immortality, distributing The body and blood for the salvation of the world, and for life unto our souls.

The curtain is opened and the offering Plates are passed, after which the Celebrant delivers the SERMON.


The curtain is opened and the offering Plates are passed, after which the Celebrant delivers the SERMON.

PRIEST: Vor orhnes zaynosig, vork orhnen uzkez Der, yev soorp arnes uzhoosatzyals ee kez. PRIEST: O Lord, who blesses them that bless Thee and hallows them that put their trust in Thee.
CHOIR: Orhnyal eh Asdvadz. CHOIR: Blessed is God.
PRIEST: Getzo uzjhoghovurtus ko yev orhnya uzjharankootyoonus ko, uzluroomun yegeghetzvo ko bahya. PRIEST: Save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance. Guard the fullness of Thy Church.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Surpya uzsosa vork voghchunetzin sirov uzvayelchutyun dan ko. Too uzmez paravorya Asdvadzayin zorutyamp kov. Yev mi toghur uzhoosatzyals ee kez. PRIEST: Sanctify that that have greeted in love the beauty of Thine house. Do Thou glorify us with Thy divine power and forsake not them that set their trust in Thee.
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Uzkhaghaghutyoon barkevya amenayn ashkharhi, yegeghetzyatz, kahanayitz, takavoratz Krisdoneyitz,hayrabedootian yev hanrabedootian askis hayotz yev zinvorial mangantz merotz yev amenayn jhoghovurtyans. PRIEST: Grant peace to the whole world, to churches, priests, Christian Kings and their men under arms, and to all Thy people,...
CHOIR: Amen. CHOIR: Amen.
PRIEST: Zi amenayn doork parik yev amenayn barkevk gadaryalk ee veroost yen ichyalk ar ee ken, vor yes Hayr loosoh yev kez vayeleh park, ishkhanootyun yev badiv, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: For every good gift and every perfect bounty cometh down from above from Thee, who art the Father of Light and to Thee is fitting glory, dominion and honour, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
CHOIR: YEGHITZI Anoon Diarn Orhnyal, haisumhede michev hayidyan (3 times) CHOIR: Blessed be the Lord's name from this time forth and evermore. (3 times)
PRIEST: Gadaroomun orinatz yev markateyitz too yes Krisdos Asdvadz Purgich mer, vor lutzer zamenayn hayragan dnorenootyunus ko. Litz yev uzmez Hokvovud kov Surpov. PRIEST: Thou art the fullness of the law and of the prophets, O Christ, God, our Saviour, who didst fulfil all the economies willed of Thy Father; fill us also with thine Holy Spirit.
(If requiem services are performed, HOKOHANKIST, at this time) (If requiem services are performed, HOKOHANKIST, at this time)
DEACON: Orthi. DEACON: Arise.
PRIEST: Khaghaghootyun amenetzoon. PRIEST: Peace unto all.
CHOIR: Yev unt hokvooyd koom. CHOIR: And with thy spirit.
DEACON: Yergyooghatzootyamp luvarook. DEACON: Hearken ye in fear.
PRIEST: Surpoh Avedaranis Hisoosi Krisdosi vor ust Hovannoo. PRIEST: To the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John.
CHOIR: Park kez, Der, Asdvadz mer. CHOIR: Glory to Thee, O Lord our God.
DEACON: Broskhoomeh. DEACON: Let us attend.
CHOIR: Aseh Asdvadz. CHOIR: God speaks. (The Priest reads the last Gospel, John 1:1-14)
PRIEST: Ee Horeh Loosoh. Ee usguzpaneh ehr Pann, yev Panner ar Asdvadz yev Asdvads ehr Pann. Nah ehr ee usguzpaneh ahrr Asdvads.

Amenayn inch novav yeghev yev arants norah yeghev yev vochinch vor inch yeghevn. Novav gyank ehr yev gyankun ehr looys martgan, yev looysun ee khavaree ahnt loosavoreh yev khavar numah voch yeghev hasoo.

Yeghev ayr mi arakyal hAsdoodzoh, anoon numah Hovhannes. Sa yegn ee vugayootyun, zi vugayestzeh vasun loosooyn, zi amenekin havadastsen novav. Voch ehr nah looysn, ayl zi vugayestseh vasun loosooyn.

Ehr looysn jushmarid, vor loosavor arneh zamenayn mart, vor kalotz eh hashkhar. Hashkharhi er, yev ashkhar novav yeghev yev ashkhar uznah voch dzanyav.

Hyoorsun yegn, yev hyoorkn uzna voch ungalan. Isk vork ungalan uznah yed notzah ishkhanootyun vortis Asdoodzo linel, vorotz havadastzen hanoon norah. Ooyk voch hareneh yev voch ee gamatz marmno, yev voch ee gamatz arrn, ayl hAsdoodzo dzunan.

Yev Pann marmin yeghev yev punagetzav ee mez, yev desak uzparus norah, uzpars iprev uzMiyadzini arr ee Horeh, li shunorhok yev jushmardootyamp.

PRIEST: From the Father of Light: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. Though Him was life, and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness apprehended it no. There came a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came for a witness that he might bear witness to the light that all might believe through him. He was not the light but that he might bear witness to the light. There was the true light which lighteth every man that it to come into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world knew Him not. He came into His own and they that were His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the children of God, even to them that shall believe in His name; who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory of the Only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

DEACON: Park kez, Der Asdvadz mer. Soorp khachivs aghachestzook uzDer, zi sovav purgestzeh uzmez ee meghatz, yev getzoostzeh shnorhiv voghormutyan yooroh. Amenagal Der Asdvadz mer, getzo yev voghormya. DEACON: Glory to Thee, O Lord, our God. By the Holy Cross let us beseech the Lord, that He may thereby deliver us from our sins and may save us by the grace of His mercy. Almighty Lord our God, save and have mercy.
PRIEST: Bahbanya uzmez, Krisdos Asdvadz mer, unt hovanyav soorp yev badvagan khachivud kov ee khaghaghootyan. Purgya hereveli yev anerevooyt tushnamvuyn. Arjhanavorya kohootyamp paravorel uzkez unt Hor yev unt Hokvooyd surpoh, aijhm yev mishd yev havidyans havidenitz. Amen. PRIEST: Gurad us O Christ our God under the shadow of Thy Holy and Precious Cross in peace. Deliver us from enemies visible and invisible. Make us worthy to give thanks to Thee and to glorify Thee with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
CHOIR: Orhnetzitz uzDer hamenayn jham, Hamenayn jham, orhnootyun norah ee peran mer. CHOIR: I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall at all times be on my lips.
PRIEST: Orhnyalk yegherook ee shnorhatz Soorp Hokvooyn. Yertayk khaghaghutyamp yev Der yeghitzi unt tzez unt amenesiant. Amen. PRIEST: Be ye blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Depart in peace and the Lord be with you all. Amen.
(At the conclusion, the congretation files up to kiss the Holy Gospel and leave the sanctuary quietly, while the organist plays an appropriate tune.) (At the conclusion, the congretation files up to kiss the Holy Gospel and leave the sanctuary quietly, while the organist plays an appropriate tune.)

Armenian Church Library Online--Divine Liturgy Page

I would like to express great gratitude to Michael Ibrahim of Australia who helped digitize this by typing in much of the English text.

The Transubstantial and Sacrificial Nature of the Badarak

Soorp Badarak means "Holy Sacrifice".

From: Who is responsible for the site?

This site was launched in July 2002 by the Communications Department of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) under the direction of Mr. George Kassis, Director of Communications and Development. The site was redesigned in March 2004. Parts of the Badarak ceremony are pasted below. Important parts have been put in bold lettering.

A Hymn about Holy Communion -- Marmeen deroonagan Like the Liturgy of the Word, the Eucharist also begins with a hymn to Jesus Christ. This first hymn of the Eucharist asserts that when we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion, we are being joined to the same Son of God who is praised by the angels in heaven: "The body of the Lord and the blood of the Savior are present before us. The heavenly hosts invisibly sing with unceasing voice: Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts" [23]. Marmeen deroonagan reminds us that in Holy Communion we become one with Almighty God. We literally tap into the divine power of God, for whom "All things are possible" [Matthew 19:26].

The Procession with the Gifts of Bread and Wine Another similarity between the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Word is that both begin with a procession. The deacon processes around the altar elevating the veiled chalice above his head. Like the procession with the Gospel in the Liturgy of the Word, this procession draws our attention and devotion to the bread and wine, which become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus. While the deacon processes around the altar the priest prays once again that God will make him worthy to preside over this sacrament: "€¦Cleanse my soul and my mind from all the defilements of the evil one; and by the power of your Holy Spirit enable me €¦ to stand before this holy table and to consecrate your spotless body and your precious blood" [24].

At the end of the procession, the deacon hands the gifts to the celebrant as they alternate verses from Psalm 24. Yet again, the words of the Psalm express our faith that the contents of the chalice will become for us the Lord, "strong in his power, mighty in battle." As the deacon hands the chalice to the priest he says: "This is the king of glory!" [Sa eenkn eh takavor parats] [25]. The Procession with the Gifts concludes with a proclamation by the deacon, leading into a prayer by the priest. On behalf of all those present he asks God to "grant this bread and this cup to be for us, who taste of them, a remedy of forgiveness of our sins" [26]. A Call to Attention: Let us Stand in Awe After the Kiss of Peace the deacons invite the people to give their undivided attention to the Eucharistic Prayer, the main prayer of the Badarak. In the course of this long prayer [29-39] the celebrant, praying on behalf of all the people, asks God to do for us just what Jesus promised at his last Supper: to fill us with His Body and Blood, the sacrament of His holiness and divine life, in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. In preparation for this important prayer, the deacons call on us to "lift up your minds in the fear of God;" to "give thanks to the lord with the whole heart" [29]. This is our cue to clear our minds of extraneous thoughts. We must now focus on God. At this moment nothing is more pressing and urgent than He. The Eucharistic Prayer The Eucharistic Prayer of the Armenian Church is attributed to the great fourth-century Egyptian theologian St. Athanasius, who strongly influenced Armenian theology. The Eucharistic Prayer of St. Athanasius is more than a simple prayer in the usual sense of the term. It is a poetic, highly theological declaration of the Armenian Church's understanding of God's intervention in human history, mostly in the person and deeds of Jesus Christ. The prayer retells the whole story of our salvation [29-32], focusing on the beginning and the end of Christ's life: his birth as a human being [29-30], and his death on the cross [30-31] as a sacrifice to God the Father for us. Christ's crucifixion led to his resurrection, by which he destroyed the permanence of death and replaced it with a new and never-ending life with God for those who choose to accept it. The Prayer is called "Eucharistic" because the story of our salvation in Christ pivots around Christ's last Supper [31-32]. It was during that meal in the Upper Room, on the night before his execution, that Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine, declaring them to be his Body and Blood. More important, Jesus told them that in this ritual meal, he had established "the new covenant in my blood" [32] a radically new relationship of love and fellowship between God and humanity. "Do this," he told them, "in remembrance of me" [1 Corinthians 11:24-25].

When we celebrate the Eucharist and receive Holy Communion, we recall and recommit ourselves to this new covenant in the Church. We rededicate ourselves to Christian life as children of God and heirs of eternal life with him. We renew our oath of baptism. Filled with Christ himself, we say, "Yes, Lord. I want to follow you and be with you in this life and for all eternity." Through the Eucharist, the Church offers us true inner peace, a real sense of belonging, and the true security that comes from being with God. The Eucharistic Prayer is therefore the Church's prayer of life in Christ. It is the unique ministry of the priest to offer this prayer to God on behalf of all the faithful. Over the centuries this prayer, the heart of the Divine Liturgy, has been covered over by deacons' litanies and hymns so that today much of the Eucharistic Prayer is offered inaudibly by the celebrant. It is important, therefore, that we realize that this Prayer is not "private," and it is not "the priest's prayer." It is the prayer of all the children of God, the Church, to their Father in heaven.

The Preface Theologians refer to the first part of the Eucharistic Prayer as the "Preface" [29-30]. The Preface praises God for sending his son, Jesus Christ, into the world to be born, and to take on the condition of humanity in order to cleanse it and reconcile it with God the Father. This is the mystery of Christ's incarnation. It is the teaching of the Armenian Church that in the incarnation the process of our salvation already began as Jesus embraced humanity, purifying it and infusing it with his divinity." Like the divine master-builder building a new work," our Eucharistic Prayer declares, "[Jesus] made this earth into heaven" [29].

We see the same mystery revealed in the bread and wine of the Badarak. As the twelfth-century Armenian St. Nersess Lambronatsi wrote, "For our sake you became earthly that we may become heavenly. For our sake you became bread that we, by partaking of you, may be sanctified." The Last Supper After the Sanctus, the Eucharistic Prayer describes "the outpouring of [Jesus'] infinite loving-kindness to us" [30]. The Prayer recalls God's repeated attempts, detailed in the Old Testament, to coax mankind back from the vain and sinful distractions of this life to the loving security of God. This culminates in the sacrifice of God's only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross as a redemption for our sinfulness. "The world-saving Cross...the occasion of our redemption" [30] is perpetuated for us in our celebration of the Lord's Supper. The Eucharistic Prayer narrates this event, quoting Christ's own words: "Take, eat; this is my body...Drink this all of you. This is my blood" [31 ]. Our celebration of the Badarak rests on the authority of these words of the Lord. We repeat the Lord's Supper in the Divine Liturgy not by any human authority, but because our Lord told us to do so [Mathew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26]. Our Eucharistic Prayer declares: "Your only-begotten, beneficent Son gave us the commandment that we should always do this in remembrance of him" [31].

Our celebration of the Badarak rests on the authority of these words of the Lord. We repeat the Lord's Supper in the Divine Liturgy not by any human authority, but because our Lord told us to do so [Mathew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26]. Our Eucharistic Prayer declares: "Your only-begotten, beneficent Son gave us the commandment that we should always do this in remembrance of him" [31].

The Epiclesis "Epiclesis" (eh-pi-clee'-sis) is the term theologians use to describe the next part of the Eucharistic Prayer. In the Epiclesis we call on God's Holy Spirit to come down "upon us and upon these gifts," so that they may become "truly the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" [34]. This is our main supplication in the Eucharistic Prayer.

The Intercessions After the Epiclesis, in the presence of Jesus Christ in his Body and Blood, we pray to our heavenly Father for all of our daily cares and concerns. The Prayer lists them one by one. These subsidiary requests of the Divine Liturgy are called "Intercessions." We pray for peace in the world, for the stability of the Armenian Church, for our Catholicos, Bishops and clergy, for civil leaders, for travelers, prisoners, captives, for the sick and suffering, for temperate weather and sufficient food, for those who help the poor, for all the living and all the dead [35, 37,38-39].

The Prayer lists them one by one. These subsidiary requests of the Divine Liturgy are called "Intercessions." We pray for peace in the world, for the stability of the Armenian Church, for our Catholicos, Bishops and clergy, for civil leaders, for travelers, prisoners, captives, for the sick and suffering, for temperate weather and sufficient food, for those who help the poor, for all the living and all the dead [35, 37,38-39]. We should never underestimate the power of prayer. Jesus said, "If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." [Matthew 18:19]. There is no better time to ask our heavenly Father for whatever we need than during the Badarak, when we are assembled in the presence of Christ as the Church.

While the priest silently makes these intercessions in the Eucharistic Prayer [35, 37, 38-39], the deacons chant a litany in which they recall the names of the great saints of the Church [34-37]. We remember that the saints already live in the presence of God in heaven. But they also invisibly participate in our liturgy. We ask them to intercede with God -- literally, to put in a good word for us -- so that He may hear our prayers and answer them. All of this is expressed in the refrain, Heeshya Der yev voghormya, "Be mindful, Lord, and have mercy." The Conclusion of the Eucharistic Prayer The great Eucharistic Prayer ends with a final reference to Holy Communion, a closing doxology in praise of the Holy Trinity, and of course, the seal of all prayers, Amen: "And having cleansed our thoughts, make us temples fit for the reception of the Body and Blood of your Only-begotten, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with whom to you, O Father almighty, together with the life-giving and liberating Holy Spirit, is befitting glory, dominion and honor, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen" [39]. Two Hymns of Praise The priest's exclamation, Ee surpootyoon surpots, "Holiness for the holy" [42] is the original invitation for the faithful ("the holy") to come forward to receive communion ("holiness"). It is a relic from an earlier time when Holy Communion was distributed at this point in the Divine Liturgy.

Eventually, two hymns were added here, before the distribution of Holy Communion. The first is addressed to Christ: Meeayn soorp, "The one holy" [42]. It is sung while the celebrant elevates the Eucharistic bread and the chalice over his head. The hymn is an acclamation that they are the Body and Blood of Christ. The second hymn is sung in praise of the three persons of the Holy Trinity: Amen, Hayr soorp, Vorteet soorp, Hokeet soorp [43].

Following this hymn, the priest turns toward the people with the chalice and proclaims it to contain "the holy, holy, and precious Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who, having come down from heaven, is distributed among us." The celebrant continues with an incisive affirmation of the power of the sacrament: "This is life, hope of resurrection, expiation and remission of sins." Finally, the priest asks the people to "Sing psalms to the Lord our God ... our immortal heavenly king" [44]. Finally, the priest asks the people to "Sing psalms to the Lord our God ... our immortal heavenly king" [44]. Confession and Absolution Sin is anything that distracts us from "undivided devotion to the Lord" [1 Corinthians 7:35]. In a stress-filled and secular world Christians tend to deviate from God, forgetting their responsibilities, but also their abundant blessings as baptized children of God. St, Paul writes that we must be "blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" [Philippians 2:15].

When we fall short of this high calling, as we are bound to do, the Church provides a sacrament by which we can demonstrate our remorse and desire to return to the path that leads to God. The Armenian Church has many forms for reconciliation with God. The most direct vehicle is Holy Communion itself, which is given "for the expiation and remission of sins" [31]. There can be no closer meeting with the Lord in this life than receiving Him in the Eucharist.

It is an ancient tradition of the Church that even before receiving Holy Communion the faithful have opportunities to examine their lives and confess to a priest whatever they have done that has distracted them from the life in Christ. The priest prays that God will absolve them of their sinfulness and restore their status as children of God.

Today mental health professionals recognize the value of liberating ourselves of painful thoughts and feelings by sharing them with someone we trust. When we divulge our inner demons to someone, we can take control of them and be renewed. Confession offers all of this and more, the assurance of God's abiding acceptance and love.

In America it has become the custom to offer a general confession and absolution immediately before Holy Communion is distributed [48]. Led by the deacons, the people read a prepared examination of conscience that helps each person reflect on whatever sins he or she has committed. Then the priest, not by his own authority, but by the "very word" of Jesus Christ [49], absolves the sins of all who have made confession.

Holy Communion In the Armenian Church Holy Communion is distributed in the following manner. The communicant stands before the priest, makes the sign of the cross and says Megha Asdoodzo, "I have sinned against God." The priest then places a small particle of our Lord's Body and Blood -- the bread having been dipped into the wine -- directly into the mouth of the communicant. The communicant again makes the sign of the Cross and steps aside for others to approach the blessed sacrament.

After all have received Holy Communion, using the chalice to imprint the sign of the Cross over the communicants, the priest imparts the blessing of Psalm 28:9: "Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance; shepherd them and lift them up from henceforth until eternity" [50].

The Prayer lists them one by one. These subsidiary requests of the Divine Liturgy are called "Intercessions." We pray for peace in the world, for the stability of the Armenian Church, for our Catholicos, Bishops and clergy, for civil leaders, for travelers, prisoners, captives, for the sick and suffering, for temperate weather and sufficient food, for those who help the poor, for all the living and all the dead [35, 37,38-39].

So to reiterate; the Badarak is a Sacrifice for the remission of sins. In the section above titled "The Eucharist Prayer" they are quoted to say, ""Do this," he told them, "in remembrance of me" [1 Corinthians 11:24-25]." The Badarak is not merely a remembrance of the Lord's final sacrifice but it is rather a re-sacrifice of the only Begotten of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. They place Him into "places made with hands", the bread and the wine, and they ingest the bread and wine to infuse Christ within them so that they may be absolved of their sins.

And in summary, first we need to understand what the bread and wine becomes at the Badarak. The bread and the wine do not simply "represent" the body and blood of Christ in the Badarak, it actually "becomes" His body and blood. Here are direct quotes:

In the section "A Hymn about Holy Communion -- Marmeen deroonagan":

- "The body of the Lord and the blood of the Savior are present before us."

In the section "The Procession with the Gifts of Bread and Wine"

- "Like the procession with the Gospel in the Liturgy of the Word, this procession draws our attention and devotion to the bread and wine, which become for us the Body and Blood of Jesus."

- "Yet again, the words of the Psalm express our faith that the contents of the chalice will become for us the Lord, "strong in his power … mighty in battle." As the deacon hands the chalice to the priest he says: "This is the king of glory!"

In the section "A Call to Attention: Let us Stand in Awe"

- "In the course of this long prayer [29-39] the celebrant, praying on behalf of all the people, asks God to do for us just what Jesus promised at his last Supper: to fill us with His Body and Blood, the sacrament of His holiness and divine life, in the bread and wine of Holy Communion."

In the section "The Eucharistic Prayer"

- "It was during that meal in the Upper Room, on the night before his execution, that Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine, declaring them to be his Body and Blood."

In the section "The Preface"

- "We see the same mystery revealed in the bread and wine of the Badarak. As the twelfth-century Armenian St. Nersess Lambronatsi wrote, "For our sake you became earthly that we may become heavenly. For our sake you became bread that we, by partaking of you, may be sanctified."

In the section "The Epiclecis"

- ""Epiclesis" (eh-pi-clee'-sis) is the term theologians use to describe the next part of the Eucharistic Prayer. In the Epiclesis we call on God's Holy Spirit to come down "upon us and upon these gifts," so that they may become "truly the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" [34]. This is our main supplication in the Eucharistic Prayer."

In the section "The Intercessions"

- "After the Epiclesis, in the presence of Jesus Christ in his Body and Blood, we pray to our heavenly Father for all of our daily cares and concerns."

In the section "The Conclusion of the Eucharist Prayer"

- "And having cleansed our thoughts, make us temples fit for the reception of the Body and Blood of your Only-begotten, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,"

In the Section "Two Hymns of Praise"

- "It is sung while the celebrant elevates the Eucharistic bread and the chalice over his head. The hymn is an acclamation that they are the Body and Blood of Christ."

In the section "Holy Communion"

- "The priest then places a small particle of our Lord's Body and Blood -- the bread having been dipped into the wine -- directly into the mouth of the communicant."

So you see that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ. Why is this a problem and what are the results of such a claim? This is what we call transubstantiation. Where the elements of the bread and wine mystically turn into the real body and blood of Christ. Why? So that when the worshiper eats and drinks of it he is being "infused" with Christ's flesh and blood making him holy. They are actually eating the flesh of Christ and drinking His blood.

Now onto the sacrifice:

Also in the section "The Eucharistic Prayer"

- "Through the Eucharist, the Church offers us true inner peace, a real sense of belonging, and the true security that comes from being with God."

In the section "The Last Supper"

- This culminates in the sacrifice of God's only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross as a redemption for our sinfulness. The world-saving Cross...the occasion of our redemption" [30] is perpetuated for us in our celebration of the Lord's Supper."

Also in the section "Two Hymns of Praise"

- "Following this hymn, the priest turns toward the people with the chalice and proclaims it to contain "the holy, holy, and precious Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who, having come down from heaven, is distributed among us." The celebrant continues with an incisive affirmation of the power of the sacrament: "This is life, hope of resurrection, expiation and remission of sins." Finally, the priest asks the people to "Sing psalms to the Lord our God ... our immortal heavenly king" [44]."

In the section "Confession and Absolution"

- "The Armenian Church has many forms for reconciliation with God. The most direct vehicle is Holy Communion itself, which is given "for the expiation and remission of sins"

- "Then the priest, not by his own authority, but by the "very word" of Jesus Christ [49], absolves the sins of all who have made confession."

Also in the section "Holy Communion"

- "After all have received Holy Communion, using the chalice to imprint the sign of the Cross over the communicants, the priest imparts the blessing of Psalm 28:9: "Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance;"

So you see how the Badarak is definitely a resacrifice of Christ not just as a remembrance but an actual sacrifice to atone for sin.