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Armeniapedia: the online Armenia EncyclopediaWelcome to Armeniapedia, a digital repository of everything related to Armenia and Armenians. There are currently 9,621 articles. Armenia At Your Fingertips
On This DayBorn on this day: Robert W. Thomson (Add person) Died on this day: None found (Add person) Full list of Armenian Birthdays Armenian BooksGenocide - Travel & Tourism - Saroyan - Armenian Author - History - Society & Culture - Cooking Recipes - Karabakh - Proverbs & Folktales - Church Religion - Language - Poetry & Literature - Biographical - Armenia Today - Art - Free Books - Հայերեն - Miscellaneous Why an Armeniapedia?Or to put it differently, what's the difference between Wikipedia and Armenia? Here is some information Armeniapedia can and does have that Wikipedia guidelines do not allow. Armenian recipes, entire books online, maps of Armenian sites in different parts of the world, articles about any Armenian in the world, information about visits to Armenia or quotes about Armenia(ns) by non-Armenians, book catalogs, courses on how to teach yourself Armenian, etc. There's no limit to what can be added, other than it relating to Armenians! Add Armeniapedia search box to your siteThis box allows visitors to your site or blog to search Armenian terms in a new window. Instructions here. Reference
Featured Article: Rediscovering Armenia Guidebook
Updated version/rewrite published in 2019 is available on as an ebook. This edition is Copyright Raffi Kojian, all rights reserved.
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